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We arrived at the club and it was huge from the outside and it also looked fancy "Ieiri, are sure that they are going to let us in?" She nodded of course they will, come here" she grabbed my hand and she dragged us to the entrance "hi" she had a cigarette on her lisp "Shoko?" She smiled "long time no see" I looked at her confused "here, these are the VIP bracelets" she smiled at him and she gave us one "come one, let's go inside" I thanked the guy and we all entered skipping the line.

"Why do you know him?" She walked to the bar "he had a crush on me when we where in highschool" "oh" she called the bartender "what do you want girls?" He looked at me and I looked away but then I remembered the dare Satoru and I did so I smiled back at him and I leaned closer "hi, what do you recommend us?" Ieiri looked at me confused " he leaned closer "I would recommend you (choose whatever you want because I always have the same thing) " I felt Satoru's eyes on my back "I'll have that, what about you?" "I'll have rum with coke please" the bartender winked at us and began to prepare it for us.

"Akane, weren't you with Satoru?" I nodded "yes but we made a deal" she smirked knowing what it was about "that mark on your neck isn't helping" I covered it quickly "shit! I forgot" she laughed "don't worry, I can fix it with some make up" "your drinks" we grabbed "thanks " and walked away.

Hours passed and Ieiri and I got tired of dancing so we decided to look for the boys and we saw them sat on a sofa. "They there are".

We arrived to the sofa and I decided to sit between Suguru and Satoru while Ieiri sat in front of us "how was it?" I looked at Suguru and smiled "it was great, although I'm starting to get a headache" "let's do more shots!!!" Ieiri dragged me to the bar to get more shots.

"So, how is the deal going? Did any of you break it?" I shook my head "nop" I took the shot and I quickly felt the warmth of it thru my throat "I'm going to go back there" "yeah me two" we walked back but this time I sat next to Satoru "Satoru~~" he looked at me smirked. He got close to me and whispered "what is it bunny? Are you already begging for me?" I got up and smirked at him "do you want to dance?" I didn't wait for an answer, I just walked away knowing that he was following me.

We began to dance our bodies getting closer and closer but never touching, I saw that he was trying to contain himself on doing so while I just swayed my hips while making eye contact with him.


I watched her tease me and it was working I wanted to touch every part of her body not leaving anything and the people whispering around about her didn't work. I watched a man come closer to her and whisper something to her that made her laugh and that was it. I grabbed her waist to pull her away by that man and kissed her.


I smiled as he kissed me knowing I won. He broke the kid but he still stood close to me "I know what you did" I looked at him innocently batting my lashes as I looked up "and you know it" I wrapped my arms around his neck "well, I won" I guess this was the only thing that you could beat Satoru "yes you won, but your not getting away with it" he gripped my waist and he began to walk me out of the place. I looked back confused "what are you doing?" He looked at his phone "to a place" "what about Ieiri and Suguru?" We walked thru the streets "I already texted Suguru and he side it was fine" he still had his hand on my waist so I grabbed it "what do you think you are doing?" I interlocked our fingers "I want this" he smiled and I swam my arm happily.

We stopped in front of a huge windowed building "come on" he walked inside and he greeted the receptionist "goodnight sir" "goodnight, I want the best room" the woman looked at us "I'm afraid that can not be possible" Satoru took out his card and he placed it on the counter "with the best wine and sweets" the woman smiled and gave us some keys "your room is at the 30th floor" "which room?" The woman looked at me as if I just said that I peed myself "miss, the elevator will take you directly to your room" I thanked her and locked my arms with Satoru.

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin