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We were only half an hour from arriving so I decided to woke up Satoru. I started to nudge him on the shoulder but no response "Sato-kun, wake up" I nudged him harder but still, no response. I decided to wave my hand in front of his face "Satoruuuuu, wakee upppp" I think he is dead. And then, my eyes caught his sunglasses resting on his lap so I decided to put them on but when I touched them, Satoru caught my wrist making me jump scare. I put my hand on my chest and closed my eyes "Omg Sato-kun, you scared me!" He yawned and put on his shades I looked at his blue eyes that were visible from the side. They were perfectly illuminated by the city lights making them shine in the dark car.  

He caught me looking at him and I rapidly turned to face the window while I felt my face getting warmer. "Do you want to try them on?" "eh?" I look at him with my cheeks tinted. He took off his shaded and spined them by the legs of the glasses "I said if you want to try them on" I nodded still blushing. 

He got closer and placed them on my face, he fixed some strands of my hair and smiled "They look good on you" the only thing that went on my head is "why I feel so nervous right now?" but instead I said "really? let me see" Satoru's smile dropped "You can't see yourself, they are pitch black"  now I was confused "Why can I see you?" Satoru looked shocked and confused at the same time "That's impossible" I looked at the front after hearing Yaga's voice. "I don't understand this. How can you see?" I looked back at Satoru who kept talking "Do you see colors?" The car stopped at a traffic light "Okay Kiyohana-san, you are going to tell me when the green light turns on" he said while pointing at the traffic light "But I won't run the car until you tell me" I nodded and looked at the traffic light.

"Now is green" Satoru looked at me"How can you see?" "I don't know" Yaga- sensei ran the  car "Kiyohana-san, do you think you know why you can see with Gojo's shades?" I thought for a second and remembered the book that talked about my red eyes and looked at Satoru who nodded. "Maybe" I took Satoru's shades off and gave them back to him "Akane-chan as an old book from his clan that says something about her eyes" Yaga stopped the car and I realized that we were back at Jujutsu high "Do you have it?" I looked at him and nodded "Yes, it's in my room" we got out of the  car and walked to the dorms. "Can I have it and look thou it?" "Yeah of course, just don't let anyone else have it Yaga-sensei" 

We were now in front of the dorms and saw two figures waiting outside of them. "Ieiri? Geto?" They walked to us and Ieiri hugged me "Akane! Gojo told us that you felt a little homesick and that you went to your house to pick something that you left" I looked at Satoru over Ieiri's shoulder and smiled. He winked at me back and went to speak with Geto. "haha, yeah but don't worry I really like it here" he let go of me "If you ever feel homesick come to my room and well watch a movie or something" I smiled at her "Thank you" "I want too" Ieiri glared at Satoru "No, only girls" Satoru pouted "I am a girl too" Geto placed his arm over Satoru's shoulders pulling him down "No you're not, and leave the ladies alone". 

After chatting for a little me bid our goodbyes and went to our rooms. I went inside my room and minutes later I heard a knock. I went to open the door and on the other side was Yaga-sensei "Oh right, the book. Wait a sec" he didn't say anything. I went to my bookshelf but didn't see it but then I remembered that I put it in a different place. I opened the wardrobe and picked a box that was on the upper shelf. I opened it and saw the book. 

I walked back to the door and gave it to Yaga-sensei "Here you go" he smiled "Thank you Kiyohana-san. Rest well because tomorrow you'll start your training" He walked away and closed the door behind him. 

"What a day" I went to the bathroom to have a warm shower. I changed into my Pj's and went to bed.

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora