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I felt my head pumping and I started to hear some distant voices. I opened my eyes and saw that I was on a futon. I looked around the dimmed room and my eyes landed on Naoya. I was going to get up "don't bother, you won't be able to fight in that condition." I didn't saw Hayato standing at the door. I stared at him coldly "How did you find me?" He got up and crunched down in front of me, he grabbed my face and I tried to lift my arm but couldn't due to the throbbing pain of my muscles "Princess, I never lost you" he saw my confused look and tighten his grip "You see that spider?" he pointed to a tiny black spot on the futon "Yes" "Well, that spider has been with you since you left your house in Akita. That's how I knew where you were, I tracked down that spider's cursed energy" He was interrupted by Naoya "Can you not touch her?" he looked at Naoya over his shoulders and let go of my face "Okay, young boss" He looked at me coldly and went to sit back next to Naoya. 

We kept silent for a moment and used that time to examine them. Hayato looked almost the same, his red hair was longer at the back covering the nape of his neck and he had some strands framing his head. His scar looked darker as if the one that I saw was recent and now it was healed and you could tell thru his kimono that he had gotten more muscular. On the other side, Naoya looked very different, he had dyed his natural black hair to blonde leaving the ends black. His ears were pierced and he look fitter.

I looked at his face to see an arrogant grin placed across his face. I looked to the walls of the room to hear him voice seconds later "Why did you look away? you realized that I look better than that white haired guy?" I groaned and let my head fall to the window "Why am I here?"  Naoya's grin widened "To marry me of course" "Fuck off Naoya, I'm sixteen and you are what? seventeen?" "I don't think that is a bad age to marry someone, what do you think Hayato?" "I do think it a little bit early, why don't you wait till she is eighteen? Naoya looked at Hayato "I would considerate" I look at them "Oh sorry, I forgot that I don't have a voice as a woman" "hey! I said that I would considerate" "My bad Naoya, you are a true feminist" he rolled his eyes and whispered something to Hayato, who got up and walked away.

"So tell me Akane, how did you get those scars on your face? If I recall, the last time I saw you you had none" He got up and sat to my side, he grabbed my face traced some scars with his fingers that were surprisingly soft of what I imagined. "Can you let go of my face?" he looked at me coldly with his brown eyes "No" He pulled my face closer to his but before our noses I gripped his wirst as strong as a I could, he grinned at me "You couldn't hurt a fly with that strength" He pulled me away and let go of my face, he crossed his arms over his chest "Now, tell me how did you get them" I didn't mind telling him but I wanted to get some dry clothes in exchange because mine were still wet. "Bring me a pair of dry clothes and I tell you" He got up and walked to the door "Hayato, you can come inside with her dried clothes" He stayed next to the door but facing me "I'm going to be kind and I'll give you also some food" "Your so generous Naoya" Hayato walked in with a tray of food on his hand and a dry kimono on the other. "Here you go" But he was stopped by Naoya "Give her only her kimono, she will have the food after she tells me about her scars" He nodded and handed me the kimono, that was red with a pattern of white flowers. 

I moved my legs and saw that I could move them without feeling any pain so I got up from the bed and looked at them who both raised one eyebrow "What? if you want to change you'll have to do it here" Naoya smirked after saying that. I was going to turn around but decided to not give him the satisfaction of winning, so instead I looked at him straight in the eyes and begun undressing me. I began to undo the datemaki (it's the cloth that goes around the waist) and let it fall to the floor, then I took the first layer of kimono that left me on my white kimono undergarment. 

I saw Naoya's eyes traveling over my body while Hayato just look at my face. I took of the kimono undergarment leaving me on my underwear that consisted of a black bra and black panties. Now saw that both of them were looking at my chest and Naoya grinned "How considerate of you to wear all black to the funeral" I glared at him and turned to pick up the dry kimono "his that a tattoo?" I heard Hayato's voice "I wish it was one but it isn't is a seal, that the higher ups put on me so that I didn't use my family's cursed technique"

My eyes widened after feeling a cold and on my back and saw Naoya "Naoya? How did he move so fast?" I felt his finger tracing over the black seal on my back "My didn't they use a Talisman?" I was going to answer Naoya but Hayato beat me to it "her technique is too strong for a Talisman" Naoya raised an eyebrow "What do you mean? Sukuna's fingers are sealed with a Talisman and he hasn't come back" I dressed up fast "My technique doesn't only consist on reality manipulation, I can cast that reality on myself" Naoya looked confused "for example, if she gets an injury she can be  brought back to the original state, from which she casted her technique" (it's basically the izagami from Naruto) Naoya looked back at me "so you are basically inmortal?" I shook my head "it doesn't work that way, it only lasts, well it lasted because I have only used it once when I was 4 but anyways, back to what I was saying, It only works when I'm using it and for a little amount of time" "incredible, so what grade are you?" "I'm a special grade"

After that, I sat on my knees on the floor and they sat cross legged in front of me "So tell us about your scars Akane"  I stretched my arm out to get the tray of food closer to me but Naoya held it "first talk and then you eat" I rolled my eyes "you are probably going to be disappointed with my explanation but okay. My parents beat me up with their katanas when I didn't do what they told me to" they both were silent "really?" "Yeah, then they would send me to a user of the reverse technique but he would only close the deeper wounds so that they wouldn't become a bigger problem. Now, can I have my food" I pointed to the food tray and he passed it to me "yay~" I clapped my hand "itadakimasu~" and started to eat while both men watched me eat. 

I spoke with them while I ate "So, when can I go back?" Hayato and Naoya looked at each other and laughed "You are staying here" "No i'm not" "yes you are" I glared at Naoya and I heard Hayato laugh "Why are you laughing you pedophile" he stopped "Me? a pedophile? why?" "Because you watched me change and when I was six years old you called me pretty, and how old were you?" "at that time I was sixteen so now I'm twenty six, but that wasn't my first time seeing you changing"  I choked with the glass of water that I was drinking "What!!!!" He placed his elbow on his knee and rested his head on the palm of his hand. "I thought you were smarter princess" I thought for a little and then I remembered the spiders "don't tell me that you can see thru the spiders eyes" he smiled "bingo!" "Omg, I shouldn't have let them live in my house" "it was very risky because I thought  that you were going to kill them all" I took the last bite of rice "I didn't because I'm not afraid of them and they eat all the bugs and mosquitoes" Naoya interrupted our talk "Wait, you have seen her naked and you didn't tell me?" now I was red as a tomato "what!!!?!?!" he spoke to Naoya ignoring me "It was for her privacy" "My privacy?!?!" 

I got up and grabbed him by the collar of his kimono while Naoya watched carefully "You have seen everything?" "everything. I have seen you cry, talk alone and" he stopped "and what?" I glared at me "and try to kill yourself" I let go of his collar and my tone changed from angry to serius "and what did you see?" he looked at Naoya and back at me "are you sure? I haven't told anyone of the clan, if Naoya hears it he is going to tell his father about it" "yes, I don't care. I want to know what you know" "After every attempt it was as if you rewind and it never happened, but that's impossible because you have the seal, unless you broke it" I turned around and undid my kimono, only revealing my back to them. I looked over my shoulder to them  "You are quite smart. Release!" and the seal disappeared from my back.

Naoya got up real quick "But how? it's one of the strongest seals" I fixed my kimono and faced him "with a good book you can do incredible things" he began to walk to the door "Naoya, please don't tell him" he stopped "And what would you do to stop me?" I paused for a moment "anything, but don't tell him" he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him "You are that afraid of my father that you are willing use your body?" "Princess, why are you selling your body when you could just kill all the clan?" I looked at Naoya's chest troubled "is  it because you are scared to kill someone?" he got up and stood behind me and whispered under his breath "or is it because you don't want them to appear on your dreams at night?" my eyes widened after hearing him "oh!, so it's both" I turned a little to look at his face with Naoya's grip on my waist "how do you know?"   he grabbed my face and pressed his finger on my lips "I told you, I know you better than you do" and he tried to close the distance between our mouth but Naoya covered mine with his hand "You can use her after I do"

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCWhere stories live. Discover now