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We were right now at the pool of Riko's highschool, Satoru was on the phone with Yaga-sensei while Suguru, Kuroi and I waited for him to finish.

"Tks!" Satoru walked to us "I can't believe they let her do whatever she wants!" Suguru rolled his eyes "let her be... she won't she her friends or family again" I placed my hand on Satoru's shoulder "let her enjoy Satoru" he grabbed my hand and moved it away, I looked at Suguru and he just shook his head to let him be "Satoru, after all our mission is to let her do whatever she wants" Suguru tried to calm him down and to let him now that he wasn't going to do this alone.

"Sorry to interrupt but..." we all gabe our attention to her "Rika-san doesn't have a family, her parents died in a car accident when she was young, since then it has only been her and me" I smiled at her "then she does have a family, you" she smiled at me and I could see her eyes getting glassy.

"Suguru...." he glanced at Satoru "yes?" "Did you place your curses around the school?" Suguru nodded "wow, that so cool" Suguru smiled at me "altho I would love to see what they see like Mei-senpai does" he suddenly stopped talking and looked at Satoru "Satoru, go where Riko is. Now" Satoru looked at him confused "eh?" "Two of my curses have been exorcised" he glanced at me "Akane, come with me" and we began running in opposite directions, Satoru and Kurui to where Riko was, while Suguru and I to the intruders.

"Akane, the other one was around the entrance of the school. Go there!" I didn't even answer back I ran to the entrance of the school to see a man with a paper bag covering his face "where is the girl? Is it you?" His voice wasn't as deep as you imagined and his tone was mischievous "I think you are not....." I took a fighting stance "I guess you are not from Q, you look like you just came from a dumpster" his eyes widened "you woman.!!" He launched at me and I dodged his punch kicking him between the legs in the process.

He freezed and feel to his knees "I was hopping that you could be more fun than the others, but I guess no" I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and I moved him to a nearby wall "gosh! You fucking heavy!!" I managed to move him and minutes later Suguru appeared "hey!" I waved at him "I'm on the phone with Satoru, they are on their way to Jujutsu High. We should get going too" I glanced at the paper bag man "what do we do with him?" The man started to laugh hysterically "Hahahahah, as I thought. What I saw before were the 30 million" the man suddenly disappeared "eh?!?!" "A shikigami?" I could hear Satoru's voice "no, not a shikigami ... there is a 30 million bounty on Amanai's head".

We were now were Satoru and Riko were "where is Kuroi?!?!" Suguru and I glanced ar eachother "Sorry, it's our fault. We didn't realized how important she was to get you" I felt bad for Riko "She told us to not worry about her and to come here" Satoru though for a moment "I see, so they want to do an exchange... or they kill her if me don't kill Riko" Riko's eyes widened "wait!!" I went to her "Don't worry, nothing will happen to her nor you" she still seemed uneasy "I will also go the the exchange, I don't trust you" I sweatdropped and Satoru glared at her "eh?!?! This kid..!!!!x"

Riko seemed determinate "Even if you can rescue it, what happens if you don't arrive before assimilation?" She had a point there and she began to tear up "I didn't even get to say goodbye..." Satoru ignored her "we'll have a word of the kidnapers soon" I glared at Satoru for ignoring Riko "hey! What ere we going to do with her??" He also ignored me "If taking you with us reduces the chances to save her life...." Satoru's eyes darkened "I will leave you" Riko seemed taken back but she quickly recovered and her eyes shined with confidence "fine!" Satoru stared at her over his shoulder "and if you get scared in the middle, I won't turn around"

~Timeskip, Second day~

"Yay~" Riko said excited when she saw the beach. I glanced at Satoru who was wearing dark blue swim shorts and a dark zip up hoodie open "you can take a photo if you want" he grinned and I rolled my eyes while blushing"Shut up, I just want to know why Okinawa of all places" Suguru laughed, he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt for my surprise and also the same swim shorts as Satoru "what's so funny?!?" I glared at him "Because no one expects us to bring her to a place like this, they would expect us to be heading to Jujutsu High" I nodded and I suddenly got lifted up "what?!?!" I heard Satoru's laugh "Hahah, lest get in the water!!!!!" I tried to kick him and punch him "Goooo! Gojo-san!!!! Throw her to the water!!!!!" I snapped my head at Riko "you traitor!!!!!"

Satoru stood in the water, barely reaching his knees "one....." I grabbed his neck "Satoru, no!!" His grin widened "Two......" I started to panic "I'm not wearing a swimsuit!!!!!" "Thee!!!!" He threw we to the water and I obviously got soaked. I swam up the surface and realized how far he threw me "what the hell Satoru!!! You almost threw me to Korea!!!!" I screamed to him but he and Riko just waved at me.

I swam back to the shore and walked out of the water "here" Suguru handed me a towel to dry off  "thanks" I looked behind over my shoulder "at least someone is considerate!!" I said loud enough for Satoru to hear but he was playing with a sea cucumber "I can't believe I'm dating him" I shook my head "but he is kind" I glanced at Kuroi "he let Riko go one last time to school" I looked at them again, they were laughing "I guess so".

I gave the towel back to Suguru "Also...." I turned my attention to Kuroi "I'm sorry, I can't believe that I got captured by them" I smiled at her "don't worry, we are all fine so.... it's like it never happened" she smiled at me, this time she seemed more relaxed "Don't worry about her, we won't let anyone near her" she was about to cry but she quickly recovered "thanks!" I walked away with Suguru following me.

I looked over my shoulder at him "So .... shouldn't you be over there" I pointed to Satoru who was now running after Riko. He looked at them and then back at me "I wanted to talk to you" I raised my brow "is it about Riko?" He looked surprised "yes, about the assimilation and all that" I nodded and we kept walking to a picnic table where we sat. "Before you say something, I think is cruel that she is going to die just because some old man needs an update" he laughed softly "guess I don't have to say more" I stared at him "you think the same?" He nodded "I have been thinking on what to tell Satoru...." I smiled "don't worry, you know that dumbass better than me so you'll know that he doesn't give a fuck about Tengen" he smiled but I wasn't sure if it was a true one "I guess so".

"Hey!! Why are you two here? Are you vampires hidding form the sun?" Satoru sat next to Suguru while Riko took a seat next to me "I don't like the sun" Riko snapped her head to me "what!!!!! The sun is the best thing in the world it's warm and shiny" I cut her off "exactly, it burns my skin and I can't see with the sun" Satoru took off his glasses and placed them on me "what?!" He smirked "better?" I looked away in embarrassment "shut up" he put his elbow on the table and plopped his head on top of his hand "tomorrow, tomorrow we head back to Jujutsu High" Riko's smile dropped "tomorrow night?" She said with hope "tomorrow morning" Suguru and I exchanged looks but we didn't say anything "So!" He got up and began walking away with his arms behind his head "let's go back and get some sleep".

~At night~

I got up in the middle of the night to cheek how things were going, I walked to the living room to see Satoru sat on a sofa chair "Satoru?" I rubbed my eyes "you should get some sleep..." I jawed and stood behind him "I'm fine" I raised my brow and placed my hands on his shoulders. I began to rub them gently and I felt his tense muscles relax "really? I can feel how you just relaxed" he moved away making me stop "Stop it Akane, it's not funny" I let out a breath "Suguru and I can stay wake the rest of the night, so you can say that you slept at least 5 hours in these past days" he turned around to face me and despite how dark it was, I could still see his dark circles "go to sleep Akane" I reached my hand to brush some strands of hair that fell on his forehead but he slapped it away.

I was taken back from his action, I didn't know what to feel, he slapped me. His eyes widened at the realization of what he did but it was to late, I was already walking away to my room. I stopped in front of the door and turned my head a little to face him "You know Satoru, sometimes you loose yourself. It wouldn't hurt the strongest man in the world to have some help" I said the last thing mockingly and disappeared in the dark room.


"Shit" I grabbed my head, how could I do that to her?, she was right, I haven't slept in days and she just wanted to help me. But what if I went to sleep and something happened? My thoughts were interrupted by Suguru who sat in front of me "what did you do to her?" I looked at him with tired eyes "I- is she okay?" Suguru looked at the room where she disappeared "She told me not to tell you" she was probably crying "I slapped her hand away" Suguru's eyes widened, I guess she didn't tell him what I did "really? You're lucky she loves you, she will probably blame it on your tiredness. But you shouldn't have done that, despite that" he got up and walked to the same room Akane disappeared "if she didn't convince you, I think I can't.... goodnight Satoru" and he disappeared.

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCWhere stories live. Discover now