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I woke up the next morning and saw that I had a text message of Satoru "good morning wify-chan ~~ hope you don't miss me 😜" I blushed when I saw what he called me "this man is going to be the end of me " "what man?" I jumped scared after hearing Tsuyoshi's voice, I looked at him who was standing right in front of my bed and glared at him.

"Are you crazy!!! You gave me a heart attack!!!" I got out off bed and walked passed him to the bathroom "today we will-" I shut the door before he could say it all.

I already showered yesterday before getting into bed so I just washed my face, put the rice cream to lighten my scars and brushed my teeth. "Akane, I'll wait for you at the same training grounds from yesterday" I wasn't going to respond but decided to "okay, I'll go after breakfast".

I walked ou of the bathroom and he was gone. I decided to put on comfier clothes since I wasn't going to have any class. I put on some sweatpants and Satoru's white t-shirt that had a blue milk carton. I put on my shoes and headed to the cafeteria.

As yesterday, my breakfast was already set on the table and it was tamagoyaki, rice, miso soup and steamed broccoli. I also decided to have my daily dosis of matcha tea.

While having breakfast I received a text message of Ieiri that had a photo attached. I clicked on the photo and it was her doing the peace sing with her fingers and Satoru and Suguru arguing I the back "I can't stand them alone" I laughed at what she wrote and tried to take a photo of me but it was my first time and I didn't know how to "okay... So, how does this thing work?" I saw a camera icon "bingo! I think is this" I clicked and I could see my breakfast in the phone "cool, and how to I take one of mine?" I clicked and it made a sound "I think I took a photo of my breakfast so if I do this..." I extended my arm and turned the phone over. I pushed the button and I heard the sound. I sent her both of the photos because I didn't know how to see them and waited for her reaction.


I looked at my phone and saw that Akane answered by sending a photo "guys, Akane sent me back a photo" Gojo and Geto came closer and looked over my shoulder. I opened the first photo and it was a blurry photo of her breakfast "is she alone?" Geto pointed to all the empty tables that could be seen "yes" I looked at Gojo who was quiet. "She sent another one" I opened it and then three of us couldn't hold back out laughs "Why, why does she look like a bunny!!" Geto said between laughs.

Akane had her cheeks slightly puffed and pink and her eyes looked like she saw a ghost enter the cafeteria.

"Wait! That's my t-shirt " Gojo said between laughs "Shoko, send me that photo!" I thought for a moment about what Gojo asked but decided to send it to him "but don't tell her I sent it to you"


I finished my breakfast and while I walked to the same place as yesterday Ieiri answers 'cute' I blushed at her response and flipped my phone closed.

"Took you long enough, I have been waiting for an hour" Tsuyoshi was sat cross-legged on the tatami "I need to have breakfast if you don't want me to faint" I sat in front of him "start meditating" I glared at him and closed my eyes. I began to take deep and long breath to relax myself but the only thing that came to my mind is how this is going to help me use the reverse technique "you're frowning, relax" I opened my eyes "how is this going to work?" He stared at me and just his presence made me shiver, thankfully I knew that he wasn't going to hurt me but it still gave me respect.

"You had nightmares right?" I nodded "and I know that your mind goes a thousand kilometers per hour but still you don't look like it" he was right, I am always thinking but at the same time I wasn't. "This is going to help you to control your mind" "but I can control my mind and I just want to get stronger" he flicked my forehead "that's the problem, if you want to get stronger, you need to make your mind stronger and you do that by understanding how it works"

I groaned "I know it's difficult, but once you get it you'll see the difference" I laughed at him "difficult? How long did it take you to control your mind, a second since you were born?" he didn't seem upset, instead he smiled "I was the same age as you, I think. And it was by the time that I wanted to get stronger, but everything I did, didn't work" I raised my brow "how come?" "I was physically strong, so training muscles or my techniques didn't work, I already had them by 100%. The thing was to get them to a 100000% and then only one that could do it was the mind. The same mind that told me that that was impossible" I listened to him amazed "I think I understand now, the mind is the one telling me were it hurts and to stop or that that is impossible" he smiled softly "I known it is going to sound wrong what I'm about to say but you need to shut down that voice, you need to suppress your thoughts the second you begin a fight" "what if the voice is telling me to keep going?" Tsuyoshi looked like he was discussing with himself whether he tell me something or not.

"Akane, the thing is that that voice when you are fighting and using your most of your cursed energy is not you" I think I was beginning to catch on what he was saying "that voice is your cursed voice" he paused for a moment "and if you want to maintain your human sanity you need to control it" and what about Tsuyoshi? "And what about you? How did you realized that? You were alone, right? " He took out a paper from his yukata "I had some one" he gave me the paper and it was a drawing of a woman. I looked up to him "who is she?" I handed it back to him "she was the one that help me to control myself" he kept looking at the drawing "I wasn't like you and I made sure you didn't end up like me, that's why I threatened your family not to kill you. So that you at least grew up with some kind of love" I sweat dropped "I know it wasn't that kind of love, but at least you weren't alone" he put back the drawing.

"And how did you meet her?" I was taken back, I think he wasn't expecting me to be that much interest "well, I was in my berserk face killing just because I wanted to, and one time I was killing a random dude and she just got in the middle telling me to stop" "and what did you do?" He raised an eyebrow "pushed her" I sweat dropped at his remark "anyways, don't interrupt me. I was about to pierce his heart and the girl slapped me across my face. I was in shock, like, she had the audacity to slap me and she didn't even looked scared, her eyes pierced my soul and I stepped back glaring and her. I turned around and walked away. That slap made me realized what I had turned into"

"She followed me and told me she was sorry for slapping me and I was  really taken back for what she said. We ended up hanging out together and whenever I had an outbreak she would stop me"

"Did you like her?" He smiled softly looking at his hands "I loved her, but she was a human and she died from age" that made me think of something "wait, if I'm now a curse, does that mean that I'm going to live longer that the rest?" He nodded and I begun to think that I'm going to see my loved ones die. I begun to panic and tears begun to fall from my eyes "but Akane, you are still human. I have all the cursed energy that makes you a curse" I didn't stop crying "and why did it happen?!?" "Happen what?" "About a years or so, why did everyone tell me that I'm now a curse!" Tsuyoshi got up really quickly "Akane, you need to calm down" I begun to fell the same ways as that time "I'm sorry Akane" and after that everything went black.

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCWhere stories live. Discover now