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I packed all my clothes and went to the entrance of the school were Geto and Shoko were waiting for me "what took you so long Gojo?" I put my hand dramatically on top of my chest and said "SHOKOOO!! I WAS TRYING TO CHOOSE WHICH SWEETS TO TAKE TO THE TRIP!!!" Someone hit my head and when I turned around I saw Geto scowling at me "Will you please shut up, it 6:45 in the morning" I crossed my arms over my chest "don't ask me after when you get hungry" he walked past me to Shoko "don't worry you are the only person that I know that would eat mochis for lunch" "Ne, Geto how come he is so skinny after all the sugar that he eats?" Geto turned to look at me "that is because he trains like a dog, come on let's head to the station" 

After 5 hours of train me arrive at Akita prefecture It was different from tokyo with the orange mountains at the  back and colder,  much colder. I heard Shoko speak "It's freezing" she was shivering. We rapidly took our coats and scarfs and headed to the mountains.

As me were getting closer I felt a tiny bit of cursed energy. I felt Geto's eyes as if he felt the same I looked at him and then at Shoko "We should head to that mountain" I pointed to largest one. 

After walking for hours we reached the foot of the mountain "Is that a curtain?" I reached my hand to touch it and look back at Shoko "yes it is, but it looks pretty weak. We could possibly walk through it" I step closer and closer  "wait Gojo, what if it is a trap?" I turned to face him with a smirk plastered on my face "who do you think I am Geto?" and walked through it. I could feel the cursed energy stronger and stronger as we were reaching the top.

We saw an abandoned house or it looked like that but the cursed energy came from there. We were getting closer and closer and then all of the sudden the cursed energy disappeared. "so you know that we are here" "What do we do know?" I looked at Geto "let go in first" "you are crazy Gojo you don't know what is in there" Geto grabbed Shoko by the shoulders "he is right, let him be" I nodded at Geto and walked to the house.

As I walked through the door I suppressed my cursed energy to not make me stand out. Everything was dark but it didn't smell bad in fact it smell like oak. I took of my shoes and walked to the living room, but there was no one. Not in the kitchen and not in the bathroom, not even in the dark room. I walked upstairs and saw that some of the steps were broken. I reached the attic and was tackled down to the floor by something or rather someone.

I felt faced down to the hard floor "ouch" and felt a blade under my chin "hey you broke my glasses" "Oh i'm sorry I didn't mean to. Wait yes I meant!". I tried to move but my arms were restrained behind my back. "You are pretty strong for someone who doesn't weight that much" I felt her move a little "why are you here?" "I am here because i'm looking for an old friend, do you know where she is?" She didn't say anything so I decided to take action "Okay, I don't like this position" and within seconds she was the one that was under me her katana slid across the room to end up out of her reach. I held her hands over her head and felt her struggling  to move. The clouds moved revealing the full moon and thanks to that I could see her face.

She was looking at me shocked but still with a low calm voice she asked  "what are you doing here Sato-kun?" I tried to look calm but my heart was racing, she was in front of me she looked older more like a woman and less like a kid her hair was longer but in that beautiful black that reminded you of the darkness  of the night sky. Her face was full of tiny cuts, one speciali caught my eye, it was one on her left cheek I reached my hand and cupped her cheek. I caressed the cut with my thumb and looked at her eyes. Oh her beautiful eyes, how could I ever forget dose beautiful crimson  eyes. "Sato-kun?" 


While Satoru kept silent I looked at his features, they were sharper but still looked refined as if someone carved them carefully. His skin was flawless without a mark on it and his white hair got longer framing his face. And his eyes, they were the same a lost child with sky like eyes that enchanted you. I called his name again "Sato-kun?" He let go of my cheek but keep hold of my hands "I thought you were dead" I looked away "I wasn't I managed to escape" I felt a little bit of pain on his tone "why didn't you tell me that you were alive"  I raised my voice I was angry and frustrated " Why?! Why?! because my entire clan was killed in front of my eyes from no damn reason Satoru, I was scared that this day will come" "what day?" I looked to the moon "what day Akane?" I didn't say anything, he raised his voice "Akene, what day?!" I looked at him and I felt a tear running down my cheek and smiled "the day that I finally get killed. At least I got to see you one last time" I felt his warm hand against my cold cheek wiping my tear. " I didn't come here to kill you Akane, I did to save you and to protect you." then a third voice spoke "We are here to take you to Tokyo to the high school of  hechiceri" 

"huh?" Satoru turned around to face the voice "I told you to wait guys" "you were taking so long that we decided to move" said a female voice "and also because we saw a black dog and he looked at us as if to follow him and he led us here"

Satoru got off me and took my hand to get me up, he put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. He smiled and said "This is my old friend Akane"

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang