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Minutes later I was standing in the middle of the council. The members were behind paper doors that you could only see a vague silhouette. "it has come to our ears that you have a girl from the Kiyohana clan as your student. Is that correct?" "yes" "We demand her immediate execution" I smirked "That is going to be very difficult" another member of the council spoke "Why is the reason?" "Because she is under the protection of the Gojo clan" said a man that was standing between of the doors.

He walked to my side. He was wearing a dark blue kimono and he had white hair. He looked just like his son except of his eyes, they were black like the coal. "Gojo-sama!?, what are you doing here?" "Hi heard that there was a problem with Akane-chan, so I came" the members started to whisper between them "Akane? isn't she the daughter of the head of the clan?" "She is indeed his daughter" "that is a bigger reason to execute her" Gojo-sama closed his yes and drew a sinister smile "first you have to go over my head and my son's" The council went silent and Gojo-sama turned around and signaled me to follow him "if that is all I should leave" and we walked out of the room.

We walked in silence until me were outside. He turned to me and I bowed "thank you very much, Gojo-sama" He covered his smile with the hem of his kimono "Don't worry, I will always help my daughter in law" I looked at him surprised "daughter in law?" A car stopped behind him and he got inside "you are Yaga-san, the user of the corpse technique. Right?" "Yes sir" "Satoru has told me about you, why don't I give you a ride back and tell you about it?" "It would be very nice of you sir, thank you" 

We were sitting in the back seat of the black car. The windows were tinted so no one could see inside the car and also the back seats were separated of the driver's seat by black glass.

"I saw that you were surprised to hear me say the she is my daughter in law" "well, yes sir. I was surprised because none of them said anything" He placed a finger on his chin "that's weird, maybe is because when they were told that, they were just five years old" I looked at him surprised "only 5?" "and a year after, they told us what happened to her clan" I interrupted him "wait, sorry to interrupt but the Gojo clan didn't fought against them in the masacre?" He shook his head "it was kept hidden from us, so that we wouldn't interfere" "and what did you do when you found out?" "let's just say that four of the higher ups have been there for only 10 years" "four?! but they are 6, and most of them have been there for 30 years" he winked at me "exactly, a little  warning. Anyways you should have seen how cute they were when they were kids" 

He pulled out some photos of the hem of his kimono "look this is when they fell asleep under a sakura tree, my wife went to look for them because she was going back home and she found them cuddled together. Thankfully she had her camera with her" Kiyohana was holding tight to Gojo's kimono and he had his arm around her shoulders holding her tight. "they were so cute" I could see a sad smile forming on his face "yeah, they were. We were devastated when we heard the news but the one who was most was Satoru. He denied her death over and over. So when he told us that she was alive we were very happy" 



The second Gojo heard the news about Akane, he ran to his clan's house to tell his parents. He was received by a maid at the door "Welcome home, Gojo-sama" he ran past her ignoring her. He ran through the halls of the house until he reached the main building where his father normally was. He opened the gates but found other members of the clan "Satoru-sama!? what are you doing here?" he ignored his question "Where is my father?" "this is not a good time to see him" ha asked again but with more authority on his voice "I demand to see my father" "I told-" that member was interrupted by a black haired man who had a scar in his chin "Satoru-sama, I'll show you where he is" he got up and walked to him "thank you Eizen-san"

Eizen was his father's cousin, so he had more familiarity with him but they still talked formerly with each other. They walked through the halls "Satoru-sama, before talking to your father I want to tell you that he has grown weaker, he finds it difficult to stand up for too long and goes out of breath if he speaks to much so please be patient. And your mother..."  Eizen looked at Gojo from the side "What about your mother" he took a breath and spoke "She has been cursed by a special grade sorcerer who has the speech technique" Gojo stopped walking "When did this happen?" "a week ago sir" "and why did no one tell me ?"  "Your father told us not to" 

They reached the door end he slide it the side. "Souta-sama, your son is here" He was laying on a futon and tried to sit right, but the nurses stopped him "Souta-sama, you need to lay down" He looked at the nurses "Please, I can't let my son to see me like this" The nurses nodded and helped him sat. "Satoru, you may come in" Eizen bowed and  returned to the main building. 

Gojo entered the room and told the nurses to leave "yes, Satoru-sama" they bowed and left. The boy sat next to his father "How are you old man?" The black eyed man started to cough. Satoru saw some drop of blood falling into his father lap "I'll tell you the truth, I don't know how much I'll last" Satoru took his father's hand and smiled "Akane-chan is Alive" His father looked at him shooked "How?" "Yaga-sensei told us that there was a survivor of the clan and that it was a girl with red eyes" His father hugged him "Satoru, you don't know how happy I am" They  broke the hug and Satoru took out his phone and looked at the time  "what is it my son?" Satoru looked back as his father "I need to go, I would have loved to tell mum." "can't you stay a little more?" "I can't, I'm leaving in a few minutes to Akita prefecture to find her. Can you tell mum?" Souta's smile dropped "she is in a coma, the doctors are keeping her alive but they told us that she won't last more than a week. The only organs that are alive are the brain and her heart but they are very weak" Satoru didn't know what to say, both of his parents were dying in front of his face but the person he thought was dead is alive. "I need to go" he got up and left. 

(end of flashback)


We arrived at jujutsu high  and I thanked Gojo-sama "Thank you very much sir"  "Your welcome, It was a pleasure to meet you" we both smiled "the pleasure is mine" I got off the car and walked to the entrance.  I watched the car drove off and I let out a breath "for some reason I thought that he was going to be more scary"

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat