|Chapter 34|

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(Y/N)'s eyes widened in surprise, her heart skipping a beat. "Wait, what? Come again?"

Luka shrugged, a gentle smile on his face.

"You heard me right, (Y/N). I know I can be dense sometimes, but I'm not blind to my feelings. I appreciate everything you do for me, and... I've fallen in love with you."

Before (Y/N) could respond or ask any further, Luka pointed out that they had arrived at the front of Le Grand Paris.

Sensing the moment had passed, he leaned in and planted a tender kiss on her cheek, bidding her a warm goodnight.

"Better sleep early tonight, (Y/N). We have a show to ace tomorrow."

(Y/N) stood there, stunned by the unexpected confession and the soft touch of his lips on her skin.

Her heart raced, and a mix of emotions filled her. She watched Luka walk away, his figure gradually fading into the night.

Her mind whirled with a flurry of thoughts and feelings, but one thing was clear-Luka's words had ignited something within her.

The journey they had embarked on together had taken an unexpected turn, revealing a bond that went beyond friendship.

As (Y/N) entered the lobby of Le Grand Paris, she found Fernando waiting for her on the staircase, his arms crossed and a stern expression on his face.

He spoke up, his voice laced with a mix of concern and annoyance.

"I've been waiting for you for five minutes, (Y/N). I saw you outside with Luka. What were you two doing?" Fernando asked, his gaze fixed on her.

(Y/N) was lost in her thoughts, her mind still replaying the moment when Luka had kissed her cheek.

The world around her seemed distant as her heart yearned for his presence. She didn't immediately respond to Fernando's question, her mind too preoccupied with Luka.

As (Y/N) entered her shared room with Zoé, she found her friend comfortably engrossed in her tablet.

Zoé looked up, a smile forming on her face as she greeted (Y/N). "Hey, (Y/N)! How did everything go at practice today?"

Unable to contain her excitement any longer, (Y/N) plopped down on their bed and let out a loud squeal of delight.

Zoé winced, playfully remarking, "Whoa there- you deranged woman. You sounded like a chipmunk. What's got you so thrilled?"

(Y/N) giggled, her eyes gleaming with joy. "Zoé, you won't believe what happened! Luka... he kissed me on the cheek!"

Zoé's eyes widened, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Well, well, well- Looks like things just got interesting. Do tell, dear bestie. What's the story?"

As (Y/N) recounted the events of the evening, from Luka's apology to his unexpected confession and the tender kiss on her cheek, Zoé listened intently, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"That's so romantic. I'm jealous." Zoé exclaimed, a playful glint in her eyes. "Looks like the lines between friendship and something more are blurring for you two."

(Y/N) blushed, her cheeks turning a rosy shade. "I know, Zoé. It took me by surprise, but I can't deny that I have feelings for him too. It's just... everything feels so new and uncertain."

Zoé chuckled, nudging (Y/N) playfully. "Welcome to the world of love, my bean. It's never straightforward, but it's always worth exploring. Just follow your heart, and things will fall into place."

(Y/N) nodded, grateful for Zoé's support and lightheartedness. "Thank you, Zoé. I'm glad I have you to share all this with."

Zoé grinned and pulled (Y/N) into a tight hug. "Well duh. I'm your best friend- I always come first when it comes to tea."

Hours passed. As Zoé settled into sleep, (Y/N) remained awake, her mind filled with thoughts of Luka.

She lay on the bed, gazing up at the ceiling, a wide grin plastered on her face.

The anticipation of seeing Luka the next day and sharing her newfound feelings with him filled her heart with joy.

Memories of their time together, both as Luka and as his Miraculous alter ego, Viperion, flooded (Y/N)'s mind.

The moments they had shared, the adventures they had embarked upon, and the deep connection they had formed replayed like a movie in her thoughts.

Each memory brought a surge of warmth and happiness, solidifying her belief that she had found something truly special with Luka.

As exhaustion finally caught up with her, (Y/N) closed her eyes, Luka's image lingering in her mind.

She welcomed sleep, knowing that in her dreams, he would be the last person she thought of before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

The journey they had embarked upon was filled with uncertainties, but with love and hope guiding their way, (Y/N) knew that they were destined for an extraordinary future together.

With a sense of contentment and anticipation, (Y/N) drifted off to sleep, Luka's presence the last thought on her mind.

She embraced the tranquility of slumber, knowing that tomorrow would bring new opportunities and the chance to express her emotions to the one who held her heart.


The morning sun bathed the city as (Y/N) hurriedly made her way to school, determined not to disturb Fernando's well-deserved rest.

With each step, her excitement grew, knowing that today was the day of the play.

As she arrived at the auditorium, a bustling scene greeted her.

The sound of chatter and laughter filled the air, and a wave of anticipation washed over (Y/N) as she saw the numerous people lined up, preparing for the performance.

As (Y/N) joined her castmates, the final preparations commenced.

Makeup artists worked their magic, transforming the actors into their characters, while stagehands meticulously adjusted lighting and props.

The buzz of excitement and nervous energy reverberated throughout the auditorium.

In the midst of the organized chaos, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a sense of unity and camaraderie.

Each person involved in the play had dedicated themselves to making it a success, and the shared passion created a bond among them all.

The hours leading up to the performance were a whirlwind of last-minute rehearsals, final touches, and encouraging words from the director.

As the time drew closer, the cast gathered in the wings, their hearts pounding with anticipation.



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