|Chapter 7|

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The day went by in a blur. Granted, Zoé and (Y/N) literally wasted the whole day travelling around Paris like it's a sport.

It was only the second round, and (Y/N) wasn't even close to giving up.

She's taken pictures, interacted with people, and jotted down potential scenarios for her book.

It was already dawn when the girls decided to call it quits for the day, feet tired and hands aching from carrying bags all day.

"Man, I am beat." (Y/N) heaves out, face hot and body strained after a long day of doing shopping, shenanigans, and even more shopping.

They came upon this modest coffee shop and made the choice to take a brief rest there, of course they also plan on buying some drinks.

(Y/N) was left outside with Fernando and Jean while Zoé went inside to get a menu sheet for the four of them.

"Are we going back after this? I'm tired of watching you pick out heels and clothing and whatnot." Fernando sighed, brushing off the playful glare that (Y/N) was clearly wearing.

"In a minute." (Y/N) waves a hand at her bodyguard dismissively, "I still want me to grab a chocolate drink before we go back to the hotel."

Jean then chimes in, nodding his head to the beat as he spoke, "That sounds wonderful, Mademoiselle! They serve pretty good hot chocolate here."

"Maybe I should've asked Zoé to get me some hot chocolate." (Y/N) grumbled under her breath.

But luckily for her, Jean was practically putting her on a pedestal.

She didn't even have to ask or lift a finger, as Jean quickly sprints inside the store and announced that he was going to ask Zoé to bring (Y/N) a hot chocolate drink.

"Jean is the sweetest~ Why don't you love me like that, Furr-nando?" (Y/N) turns to look at her bodyguard who had a scowl plastered on his face.

Unexpectedly, he goes in to ruffle her hair. The scowl was replaced with a small chuckle, while (Y/N) stared at him in shock and disbelief.

"What was that for?!" She glares at him. The reaction Fernando got out of her only made his smile wider.

"I'm just showing how much I care, weirdo. Your like an annoying little sister to me." He bluntly spoke.

"And your like an mean older brother. I've always wanted one of those." (Y/N) joked, but she meant every word.

They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, then (Y/N) noticed something out of the corner of her eyes.

Even with the orange and purple sky slowly dimming the area, (Y/N) could clearly see the blob of Marinette's midnight blue hair from a distance.

It looked like she was running away from something- Or maybe... Someone?

Sparked by her curious nature, she goes to stand up. "Fernando, I think I saw Marinette just run by us. I'm going to catch up on her- See what romantic shenanigans she's got up her sleeve, or something."

When Fernando was about to stand up, (Y/N) put a hand up to him.
He immediately backed down and furrowed his brows, urging for (Y/N) to move.

"I'm coming with you, dummy." He deadpanned.

"No no, I'll be back in a minute! You stay here and tell Zoé and Jean to wait for me. We goods? We good." She replies.

And before Fernando could retort or make a snarky comment about how she was acting like a weirdo for spying on Marinette, (Y/N) was already off and about.

Marinette rounded a corner, and (Y/N) followed her.

She made an effort to be as covert and sneaky as she could, and she made sure to keep track of her movements and catch for familiar landmarks in case she missed Marinette or got lost on her own.

(Y/N) couldn't help but feel a little uneasy as she pursued the unaware Marinette; it appeared as though someone was also following her.

They rounded out another corner. (Y/N) clearly saw Marinette look back at her, but she didn't stop in her tracks.

That made (Y/N) slightly confused- Marinette knew she was there, but she wouldn't stop running?

"M-Marinette!" She called out, voice heavy from the adrenaline she got after running.

"Marinette! Jesus woman why are so you fas-"

When (Y/N) was about to pick up her pace, she suddenly took a misstep and slipped.

With eyes wide and heart beating a thousand beats per second, she felt as if time slowed down.

It was like a slap in the face. Time was probably messing with her and they just wanted a dramatic end to her fall.

She closed her eyes and braced for the pain, but nothing came to her.

Instead of getting her knee scraped and feeling excruciating pain from her fall, she felt something warm comfort her.

She heard a voice call out, it's tone gentle and comforting and she could feel herself gravitating towards that melodious sound.

"W-Woah! Easy there-! That was almost a big floop. Your welcome."

(Y/N) wasn't ready to open her eyes, as there were hundreds of scenarios swirling inside her head.

Both good and bad scenarios, might I add.

What if this mysterious person was a hottie? Maybe he's the hottie she's been looking for.

Or- What if... This mysterious person is one of those bad guys that take women hostage to make them slaves or something?

Either way, one thing was certain.

'Man, that voice is such a turn on.'

"A-are you alright? You can open your eyes, Miss."

And that's what she did. She fluttered her eyes open, and they were met with teal hues.

She's sworn that she's seen those teal eyes before, the gentleness and kindness that swilled inside them made her feel nostalgic.

"Are you Luka?"

The person froze, and she noticed that in a heartbeat. She was wrapped in his arms, and his warmth radiated from the clothes that he wore.

That is when (Y/N) noticed that he wasn't wearing clothes- Rather, he had a skin tight suit on him.

Her peripheral vision slowly fixated themselves. (Y/N)'s eyes grew wide at the sight of those teal eyes behind a mask, then her brows furrowed in confusion.

As if he sensed her question coming up again, the mysterious person then answered,

"I-I don't know any Luka. You must've mistaken me for someone else- My names Viperion." He smiles at her.



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