|Chapter 2|

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(Y/N) immediately caught sight of Zoé's golden locks of hair, and her head perked up as she merrily struts toward her direction.

Zoé is a slender teenage girl with wheat-golden hair that has bangs that are substantially shorter than the rest of her hair. And bright pink dyed strands on the left side that, extends to her shoulders and upper back.

Her eyes were an extraordinary azure color, and they looked at (Y/N)'s direction with a straight pokerface.

"Zoé~! You actually cameee!" (Y/N) immediately grabbed her friend in a bear hug, breaking the pokerface facade that Zoé was acting.

The girl broke into a smile and hugged her friend back, glad to see her in person after years of them being apart. "It was mandatory." Zoé joked.

(Y/N) could only scoff at her answer, then she tightened the hug. "Oh shush. You know you love me." She replies in a sing-song like voice.

"I love you, I love you." Zoé grumbled out, patting (Y/N) on the shoulder in a comforting manner.

A man with a tall build approached them from behind. The man's eyes were gloomy and perilous, and Zoé couldn't help but feel apprehensive when she saw him.

Before she could ask anything, (Y/N) already had an answer. "This is my bodyguard furr-nando! He'll be with me 24/7 since my parents are overprotective hens." She explained.

The man behind them butts in, his voice deep and dangerous as he spoke, "It's Fernando, Miss (Y/N)."

She waved a hand at her bodyguard dismissively, "Nonsense! You called me butt-face the other week, so now I get to call you a stupid nickname!"

The bodyguards face grimaced, his brown eyes rolled and he clicked his tongue.

But Zoé could see that he wasn't at all offended. In fact, it looks like he enjoys messing around with (Y/N) too.

The two squabbled like siblings. Zoé didn't want to cut the moment, but Paris was already waiting for (Y/N).

Zoé snapped her fingers to catch their attention, which she does successfully so.

"If you two are done acting like children, want me to escort you to our place first before we travel the streets of Paris, France?" She asked the two.

"Oh, definitely!" (Y/N) immediately cheered. She patted Fernando in the arm, then sticks her tongue out at him before ordering, "Come on! I'll take this bag and you carry the other."

'Classic (Y/N).' Zoé thought. Even with the status of her last name, (Y/N) (L/N) still continues to be kind and caring.

While her parents were known to be fierce like Lions, taking down every threat that could potentially harm their business, their daughter became the total opposite of them.

With her quirky attitude and happy go lucky vibe, (Y/N) was like a cheery virus that carries her glow wherever she went.

"Lead the way, woman! Paris awaits my glorious entrance!"

At the airport's entrance, Zoé had a car waiting for them. With Jean Armand, the Bourgeois' family butler, standing Infront of the said car.

To avoid offending (Y/N)'s parents, Audrey Bourgeois made sure that (Y/N)'s arrival and welcome were seamless and ideal.

They wouldn't want to belittle the (L/N) family name, not when they are able to stomp the Bourgeois name to the ground.

But that wasn't much of a concern, it was a vague possibility. With Zoé and (Y/N)'s friendship, the Bourgeois family was in the safe zone.

They got inside the car and Jean immediately pressed on the pedals. Fernando sat Infront with Jean, while the two girls were seated at the back.

(Y/N) was in amazement of what she saw; Paris was exactly as Zoé had described. It was vivacious, lively, and somewhat chromatic.

The folks appeared affluent and sophisticated, and the tourist sites are as breathtaking as the pictures she has seen.

(Y/N) had already planned a checklist for their day's travels. And she made sure that by the end of the day, Zoé's feet would turn jelly from fatigue.

"Hey, (Y/N)? Are you even listening?" (Y/N)'s thoughts halted to a stop as Zoé snaps her back into reality.

(Y/N) merely hummed at her friend, "I'm listening now. I was just plotting something."

"Hopefully it's nothing bad." Zoé shook her head, a small sigh escaping her lips.

Zoe then continues, "Anyways, I wanted to make a quick stop to this bakery. This is the first place I visited when I got here, your going to love it!"

(Y/N)'s head immediately perked up at the mention of bakery. Writing was one thing, but cakes and sweets were a whole other level of awesome.

And she wanted it.

She craved for it.

"You just said my favourite word." (Y/N) breathes out, (E/C) eyes twinkling with delight.

This had Zoé cackling, "I know. Glad to have finally caught your attention."

The two got out of the car, not before making a stop to ask Jean and Fernando what kind of cakes they wanted.

Fernando and (Y/N) argued about whether the eclairs or the macaroons were more delectable for a brief period, and Zoé had to drag (Y/N) away from her bodyguard and into the bakery.

The entrance to the bakery features white walls with white rectangles slightly outset from the walls, outlined in gold. The windows are tinted dark black with capital letters in gold.

"...Boulangerie Patisserie? Did I pronounce that right?" (Y/N) asked after gazing at the bakery's front entrance for a good minute.

Zoé merely shrugged and nudged her friend, urging for her to come inside with her.

"Honestly, I can't pronounce it properly too. And to think I thought I'd finally be able to learn french when I moved here." She replied, but it was more to herself than to (Y/N).

As soon as they step inside, a wave of baked goods slaps them in the face.

The aroma filled the room completely, and (Y/N) appeared to be immersed in the cakes and pastries.

"Am I in cake heaven?" (Y/N) asked, eyeing every bit of sweet treats that were visibly arranged at the front.

Zoé couldn't help but smile at her friend, "Come on, cookie monster. I want you to meet someone special."

"Oh Hi, Zoé! What brings you here, and who's your friend?" Another voice chimed in.

(Y/N) looks up to see a girl standing at an average height.
Her bluebell eyes perfectly complimented her midnight hair, and the smile on her face had (Y/N) gushing at how cute she looked.

"Marinette, this is (Y/N)! (Y/N), meet Marinette." Zoé introduced the two to each other.

Marinette stretches a hand out for (Y/N) to take.

A warm welcoming smile tilted up her lips as she introduces herself properly, "Hi! I'm Marinette. Just a normal girl, with a normal life!"



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