|Chapter 24|

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"What do you think of the overall plot so far?"

"I really like what you've come up with. The concept is solid, but I think we can make the protagonists pop out more. Maybe add a layer of mystery or some unexpected twists?"

(Y/N) felt a mixture of excitement and nerves as she sat down with Marc Anciel to discuss the story plot for the school musical.

She had heard of Marc's talent as a story writer at Paris François Dupont and was thrilled to have the opportunity to work with him.

Despite only meeting a few hours ago, they had already formed a comfortable rapport, bouncing ideas off each other and delving into the depths of their imaginations.

(Y/N) and Marc Anciel sat together in a quiet corner of the school courtyard, engrossed in a lively conversation about the plot for their upcoming school musical.

The sun cast a warm glow over the vibrant autumn leaves as they brainstormed ideas.

"So, Marc, I was thinking we could have the protagonists face some sort of personal struggle, you know, to make the story more relatable," (Y/N) suggested, a spark of excitement in her eyes.

Marc nodded, his creative mind already spinning. "That's a great idea, (Y/N)! We can highlight their growth throughout the story and give the audience something to connect with. Maybe we can add some subtle changes to your draft to really make the characters come alive."

(Y/N) grinned, impressed by Marc's storytelling skills. "I love that idea. Let's make our protagonists memorable and give them a journey they won't forget. Also trauma- They won't be characters without the trauma."

As their conversation continued, (Y/N) failed to notice Luka Couffaine observing them from a distance.

Luka had secretly harbored a crush on (Y/N) for quite some time, and seeing her engrossed in a conversation with Marc made him feel a pang of jealousy.

He couldn't help but wonder if Marc was someone (Y/N) would be interested in romantically.

Driven by his emotions, Luka mustered the courage to approach (Y/N) and Marc. With a faint smile, he greeted (Y/N), his voice betraying a hint of uneasiness. "(Y/N), hey! What brings you here?"

(Y/N) blushed furiously, her voice slightly shaky. "Oh, hey, Luka. We're just brainstorming for the musical. Marc's helping me with the story. It's been great so far."

Luka's eyes flickered between (Y/N) and Marc, a mix of annoyance and sadness creeping into his expression.

He couldn't help but notice how comfortable they seemed together.

His curiosity and jealousy got the better of him, and he blurted out, "Are you okay, (Y/N)? I mean, after what happened the other day with the Akuma attack..."

(Y/N) tensed up for a moment, her gaze shifting uncomfortably. "Oh, that? Yeah, I'm fine. It was a bit scary, but we've got to focus on the musical now. We can talk about it later, Luka, I promise."

Disappointment etched itself onto Luka's face, but he nodded reluctantly. "Sure, (Y/N). Take your time. We can catch up later."

With a heavy sigh, he turned to walk away, joining his team to start working on their music.

(Y/N) watched Luka retreat, a mix of guilt and apprehension washing over her.

She was still shaken by the revelation that Luka was Viperion, the superhero who had saved her during the Akuma attack.

(Y/N) watched him go, her heart sinking a little. She knew she had been distant lately, but she couldn't bring herself to confront her feelings for Luka, especially after discovering his alter ego as Viperion during an Akuma attack.

She desperately wanted to talk to him, to reassure him that she still valued their friendship, but she couldn't shake off the nervousness that had taken hold of her whenever he was around.

As the day progressed, (Y/N) tried her best to ignore Luka, pretending to be busy and occupied so he wouldn't approach her.

However, it didn't take long for Luka to grow tired of the avoidance.

Determined to have a conversation, he spotted (Y/N) outside the school's front entrance, accompanied by her bodyguard, Fernando.

"Luka!" (Y/N) turned to face him, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of surprise and nervousness. "What's up?"

Luka approached (Y/N) and Fernando, his voice gentle yet filled with determination. "Can we talk, (Y/N)? It's important."

Fernando glanced between them and nodded, understanding the need for privacy. "I'll be waiting right over there, (Y/N). Take your time."

(Y/N) nodded gratefully at Fernando before turning her attention back to Luka. "What do you want to talk about, Luka?"

Luka took a deep breath, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "I just... I've noticed you've been avoiding me today. Is something wrong?"

(Y/N)'s gaze faltered for a moment before she mustered the courage to meet his eyes. "I'm sorry, Luka. It's just... everything that happened with the Akuma attack-"

'And finding out you're Viperion.'

"-it shook me up. I'm still trying to process it all." She couldn't muster up the courage to tell him everything.

Luka's expression softened, empathy shining through his eyes. "I understand, (Y/N). It was a lot to take in- I'm sorry."

(Y/N) waved a hand at him dismissively, "Oh it's no big deal. I'll get used to it eventually. Gotta go, see you tomorrow!"

Before Luka could even respond, (Y/N) was already sprinting towards her vehicle where Fernando was waiting. He felt a pang of guilt shake him up, guilty that he left her all alone that time.

But then a thought hit him- What if it wasn't because of that? Maybe (Y/N) had a more perplexed reason for acting as if Luka was the plague today.

He had to find out. Tonight, he could give her a little visit. She wouldn't shy away if she was faced with Viperion-

Or would she?



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