|Chapter 21|

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(Y/N) stood in the cozy room she shared with Zoé at Le Grand Paris, the beautiful hotel they were staying in.

As they both sat on their beds, their laptops open, they idly scrolled through the internet, enjoying their time together.

The room was filled with a sense of excitement, as (Y/N) received a text notification on her phone. It was from Marinette.

Curiosity piqued, (Y/N) unlocked her phone and read the message.

Marinette wanted to meet up this Saturday and explore the city together. A smile spread across (Y/N)'s face, thrilled at the prospect of spending a day with her friend.

"(Y/N), who's it from?" Zoé asked, noticing the smile on her friend's face.

"It's Marinette," (Y/N) replied, her voice tinged with excitement. "She wants to hang out this Saturday and show me around Paris. Do you want to come too?"

Zoé's expression turned apologetic. "I wish I could, but I have to fill in for Chloé at a family gathering. Mother announced it suddenly- I'm really sorry, (Y/N)."

(Y/N) waved her hand dismissively, understanding Zoé's predicament. "No worries, Zoé. I'll go alone this time. I'll bring you some delicious food when I get back. Just enjoy the family gathering, and we can catch up later."

Zoé smiled gratefully at (Y/N)'s understanding. "Thanks, (Y/N). I appreciate it. Have a great time with Marinette."

With the decision made, (Y/N) gathered her things and headed towards the bathroom to freshen up before meeting Marinette.

As she left the room, Zoé quickly seized the opportunity and reached for her phone. She dialed Marinette's number, her fingers moving swiftly.

Marinette's phone buzzed, and she picked it up, curious to see who was calling her.

Seeing Zoé's name on the screen, she answered with a puzzled expression. "Hello, Zoé? Is everything going smoothly?"

Zoé's voice sounded hushed but excited. "Marinette, it's me. (Y/N) is already getting ready."

Marinette's eyes lit up with excitement.

With Zoé's confirmation, everything was falling into place. "That's great, Zoé! Thank you for letting me know. We'll make sure (Y/N) has an unforgettable day."

Half an hour later, (Y/N) emerged from the bathroom, her hair slightly damp from the shower.

She looked refreshed and ready to explore the city. Little did she know that her friends had conspired to make her day even more special.

As (Y/N) walked through the lobby of Le Grand Paris, her phone buzzed with a notification.

It was a message from Marinette, detailing where they would meet.

Little did she know that instead of Marinette, (Y/N) was about to spend the day with someone else.

(Y/N) walked confidently through the lobby of Le Grand Paris, her bodyguard, Fernando, trailing a few steps behind her.

She glanced back at him with a hint of annoyance and whined, "Fernando, do you really need to follow me everywhere? I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

Fernando, a seasoned professional, responded with a dry smirk. "Of course, (Y/N). Because Paris is just the safest place on Earth, and you're the least famous person here."

Rolling her eyes playfully, (Y/N) continued walking towards the designated meeting spot.

As they reached the rendezvous point, her phone buzzed with a message from Marinette. Confusion crept across her face as she read the words on the screen.

Marinette's parents suddenly needed her at the bakery, and she couldn't make it to their planned outing.

Just as (Y/N) was about to reply, her phone began to ring. It was Marinette calling, and she hastily answered the call, putting the phone to her ear.

Marinette's voice trembled with apologies as she explained the situation, expressing her regrets for canceling their plans.

(Y/N) shook her head, dismissing the apologies. "Marinette, it's okay. I understand. Family comes first, and you know I'm always here for you. Don't worry about it."

Relief washed over Marinette's voice. "Thank you, (Y/N). You're the best. But guess what? I called up Luka, and he's free today. I asked him if he could accompany you instead, and he happily agreed! He's actually waiting for you right now- I think."

"I-I... Excuse me, what? Who? Where, what, why, omaygawds."

Before (Y/N) could interject, Marinette had already hung up the phone. Surprise mixed with a tinge of anticipation as (Y/N) looked up from her phone to find Luka standing in front of her.

"Woah- Luka!" (Y/N) exclaimed, cheeks red from the adrenaline. "Hello- H-Hi! Oh goodness, you're already here." She laughed with a tinge of awkwardness.

"Marinette and Juleka hooked me up on this." Luka explained, "Guess we're both not so busy today."

"Haha... Yeah." (Y/N) nodded her head profusely, awkwardness radiating from her.

Fernando witnessed the scene unfold, a sly smile tilting up his lips as he watches (Y/N) be the turtle that she is. He then let's out a fake cough to grab her attention.

"Oof. I got to run, shortstack." Fernando ruffled (Y/N)'s hair as she let's out a "hey!" In protest.

Then Fernando continued, "Jean called, needs me for something. Be back by noon." And before giving a chance for (Y/N) to ask anything, he was already sprinting back to the hotel.

"So it's just you and me now, (Y/N)." Luka cuts the awkward silence in between them. "What do you want to do today?"

He reached out his hand, a warm smile adorning his face, and asked, "Ready to start the day with me, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) hesitated for a moment, considering the unexpected turn of events. She couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in her chest.

With a smile of her own, she placed her hand in Luka's, feeling a sense of comfort and trust. "I'm ready. And we are so going to the bookstore first."

As they set off together, (Y/N) couldn't help but appreciate the efforts of her friends.

Their plans may have changed, but the unexpected companionship that awaited her promised a day filled with adventure, laughter, and perhaps even something more.

With Luka by her side, (Y/N) felt a newfound sense of anticipation for the surprises that lay ahead.



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