|Chapter 29|

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The stage was set, and the spotlight illuminated the space where (Y/N) and Luka stood, ready to perform their scene.

They had been practicing diligently, with Luka's guidance helping (Y/N) improve her acting skills.

Though she wasn't as naturally talented as her friend Zoé Lee, Luka's patience and encouragement allowed her to slowly work her way into the role.

Every day they spent together, Luka and (Y/N) grew closer. They talked, laughed, and embarked on crazy shenanigans that solidified their bond.

And with each passing day, Luka found himself falling more and more in love with (Y/N).

Their connection went beyond their acting partnership; it was something genuine and heartfelt.

As they prepared for the pivotal scene where the two protagonists would share a hug, anticipation and nervousness hung in the air.

(Y/N) and Luka donned their acting faces, ready to immerse themselves in the moment, when suddenly, the director, Marc, interrupted their preparations.

"I've made some changes to this particular plot," Marc announced, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Instead of a hug, I thought a kiss would be far more romantic."

Both Luka and (Y/N) blushed furiously, caught off guard by this unexpected twist.

(Y/N) couldn't help but respond with a hint of sarcasm, asking, "And whose great idea was that?"

Marc's smile widened as he confessed, "Zoé gave me the idea. And truth be told, the chemistry between you and Luka on stage is beautiful. It needs to be highlighted for a better performance."

Embarrassed, Luka's cheeks flushed as he reached out his hand toward (Y/N), a nervous yet determined smile gracing his face.

He knew this was his chance to express his true feelings. Taking a deep breath, he began reciting the lines of his declaration of love aloud to her.

"As I sit here, penning these words, my heart feels like it's about to burst with emotions that have been swirling inside me for far too long. There are no eloquent words that can truly capture the depth of my feelings for you, but I'll try my best to express the love that fills every fiber of my being."

Granted, it was (Y/N)'s words, not his- Since she was the one who wrote his script. But nonetheless, the sincerity of his voice stirred something inside of (Y/N).

"From the moment our paths crossed, something changed within me. You became a beacon of light in my life, illuminating the darkest corners of my soul. Your mere presence has the power to lift my spirits, making every day brighter and more meaningful. With you, I've discovered a love so profound that it defies any logical explanation."

(Y/N) felt her heart skip a beat as Luka's words washed over her. She accepted his outstretched hand, allowing him to pull her close.

"Every smile you grace me with is etched into my memory like an ethereal work of art. Your laughter is like a melody that dances through my mind, bringing me joy even in the most mundane moments. The way your eyes sparkle when you're excited, or how they soften when you're lost in thought-these little glimpses of your soul are my most cherished treasures."

In that moment, time seemed to stand still as they gazed into each other's eyes, sharing an unspoken understanding.

"Every moment we've spent together has been etched into the tapestry of my heart. Whether it's the laughter-filled adventures we embark on or the quiet moments of solace we share, I am grateful for every second by your side. With you, time loses all meaning, and the world fades into the background as we create our own little universe."

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