|Chapter 27|

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Zoé Lee slowly opened her eyes, her surroundings unfamiliar. Blinking away the grogginess, she realized she was in the school's infirmary.

Beside her, her best friend (Y/N) sat, tears streaming down her face. As soon as (Y/N) noticed Zoé was awake, she lunged forward, enveloping her in a tight hug.

"You dummy!" (Y/N) sobbed, her voice filled with relief and concern. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!"

Zoé chuckled weakly, wincing at the pain. "Well I did hurt so— I promise I won't do it again."

Outside the infirmary room, (Y/N)'s bodyguard, Fernando, and Luka, stood awkwardly by the doorway.

Luka, trying to diffuse the tension, decided to strike up a conversation with Fernando.

"So, uh, how was your day, Fernando?" Luka asked, attempting to sound casual.

Fernando's expression darkened, and he sighed heavily. "Someone was trying to hurt the girl I work for. So, no, it wasn't a good day."

(Y/N) appeared at the door, surprising Luka. Without wasting a moment, she grabbed Luka's arm and pulled him inside the room.

"Give us a second, Furr-Nando. Keep watch for me— Thanks! We love ya!"

As they entered, she excitedly informed him that Zoé was finally awake.

Luka and (Y/N) took their seats beside Zoé, eager to share the nurse's update. Luka spoke first, relaying the information from the medical professional.

"The nurse checked you out, Zoé," Luka began, his voice filled with concern. "You had a concussion, but thankfully, the sandbag didn't cause any serious damage to your head. However, it did hit your leg pretty bad."

Zoé nodded, recalling the moment of impact. "Yeah, my leg feels kinda paralyzed, but I can still wiggle it."

Panic quickly flashed across (Y/N) and Zoé's faces simultaneously. In perfect sync, they exclaimed, "But the play is in a few weeks!"

(Y/N) sighed, realizing the predicament they were in. "There's no one else who can play your part, Zoé. We've practiced for months, and no one knows it as well as you."

Zoé grinned mischievously, an idea forming in her mind. "Actually, I have an idea. (Y/N), you should play the role."

Surprised, (Y/N) protested, "But we can find someone better, right?"

Luka joined the conversation, supporting Zoé's suggestion. "No, (Y/N), you're the best pick for the role. After all, you wrote the script, and you know every line by heart."

(Y/N) fell silent, contemplating the idea. The weight of the responsibility seemed to settle on her shoulders, but a determined look crossed her face.

"I guess you two have a point. Don't expect anything special— How good is write amounts to how horrible I act." she finally agreed, determination lacing her voice. "I'll do it. But we'll need to work extra hard to make sure the play is a success."

Zoé and Luka exchanged triumphant glances. They knew that together, they could overcome any obstacle.

With (Y/N) stepping into the lead role, they were ready to face the challenges ahead and bring their musical play to life.

Then the conversation stirred to the most important of parts.

(Y/N) furrowed her brows, her voice laced with confusion as she asked Zoé about the incident that led to her accident.

She was certain that she had double-checked all the equipment to ensure everything was secure before the unfortunate incident occurred.

"But how did the sandbag fall? Everything looked fine," (Y/N) pondered aloud.

Zoé shrugged, her expression perplexed. "I have no clue. It just happened so suddenly."

Luka, who had been listening intently, spoke up with a thoughtful look on his face. "I might have an idea about what happened."

Zoé was lying unconscious on the ground, and Luka, with the help of (Y/N), hurriedly carried her outside the auditorium and towards the infirmary.

As Luka replayed the memory in his mind, he recalled catching a glimpse of familiar hair in the corner of his eye.

It was Lila Rossi, a fellow student, who seemed to be arguing with someone backstage.

Although the details were blurry, Luka distinctly remembered a glimpse of golden hair accompanying Lila.

"I think I saw Lila Rossi backstage," Luka revealed, his voice filled with suspicion. "She was arguing with someone, but I couldn't see clearly. There was another person with her, with golden hair."

Zoé's eyes widened, realization dawning upon her. "Golden hair? Could it be Chloé?"

(Y/N) clenched her fists, determination shining in her eyes. "I'm pretty sure we got the right gal. I'm going to have to do something about this."

The nurse finished her final check-up on Zoé, ensuring that she was stable and would recover well with time. Before leaving, she advised (Y/N) to call Zoé's butler, Jean Armand, as Fernando hadn't brought the car.

(Y/N) quickly dialed the number and explained the situation, urging Jean to come to the infirmary as soon as possible.

Within a short while, Jean arrived, rushing into the infirmary to assist Zoé.

(Y/N) and Luka had to wait outside, left alone with their thoughts. Luka, noticing the unease on (Y/N)'s face, gently spoke up.

"Are you feeling alright, (Y/N)?" Luka asked, concern evident in his voice.

(Y/N) sighed, her eyes reflecting her worries. "I suddenly feel this huge weight hovering above me. It's a bit scary, to be honest."

Understanding the weight of responsibility that now rested on (Y/N)'s shoulders, Luka reached out and took her hand in his, providing a comforting presence.

"I know it feels overwhelming," Luka replied softly, his voice filled with reassurance. "But remember, you're not alone. We're in this together. I'll be right there beside you, every step of the way."

His words brought solace to (Y/N), offering a sense of solidarity in the face of uncertainty.

She looked into Luka's eyes, finding comfort in their warmth and sincerity.

"You're right," (Y/N) nodded, a hint of determination returning to her gaze. "We're partners on stage now, and I know I can rely on you whenever I need help."

Luka smiled, his grip on (Y/N)'s hand tightening ever so slightly. "Absolutely. I'll be there at your beck and call. We'll make sure this play is a success, no matter what."

Their connection deepened in that moment, their bond strengthening amidst the challenges they faced.

With Jean's assistance, Zoé would soon be on her way to recovery.

And as for (Y/N) and Luka, they were ready to face the future together, supporting each other through thick and thin.


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