|Chapter 5|

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With a heavy heart, the girl let's go of her lover's hand. Distaste and regret filled her eyes, her lips tilted to a frown.

"Our little bet is over, Christian. I'm letting you go now." She heaved out, eyes slowly brimming with tears.

Christian looks over at her in disbelief, eyes wide with agony and shock. He goes to reach out to her, but she takes a step back.

"Tatiana, please. Forget about the bet, forget everything I said before! It was just a facade I had because I didn't want anybody knowing how I felt."

"What did you feel, then?" Tatiana cuts him off.

Her words burned like venom, "Did it bring satisfaction that you humiliated me Infront of all those people, after I confessed my love to you?! How are you going to make up for what you did?"

Christian stayed silent. He moved closer to Tatiana.

Each of her steps matches two of his own, and after a while of backing up, Christian has managed to trap her in a corner.

"You want to know what I would do?" He's leans in close then...

"I'm still not feeling it!" (Y/N) sighed, clutching her notebook in frustration. Zoé sat beside her, silently nibbling on her ice cream.

Finally, (Y/N) had managed to calm herself down.

She heaved out a small sigh, then tucks her notebook back safely in her bag, before going to take another lick of her ice cream.

Zoé then speaks up after finishing her cone, "You write good, but the feeling is just vague." She comments.

"I know that, bestie!" (Y/N) replies, "I've been staring at the couples around the park for hours now. I think they're starting to notice, too."

After a moment of silence, (Y/N) started speaking again. "I don't know how to describe the actual feeling. The last time I felt that type of Ara Ara feeling, was when I had a crush on someone."

"You mean that cute guy that sat with us on Chemistry?" Zoé teased, earning a small blush from (Y/N).

She scoffs at her best friend, "I didn't know he was taken that time, but yeah. I can't even remember how I felt back then."

A hum escaped Zoé's lips, then an idea came to mind, "Why not find someone that can make you go 'Ara ara' again?" She then asked, emphasizing the unfamiliar word.

"Ha!" (Y/N) exclaims, "If only it were that easy." She chuckled at Zoé.

"Men have disappointed me time and time again, and I've had enough. No- I'm not talking about you, Fernando. You're the best." (Y/N) turns to look at Fernando, who was casually standing behind them.

Fernando heaves out a small sigh, "None taken, butt-face. I know I'm the best." He casually replies, a small chuckle escaping his lips at the way (Y/N) reacted to his nickname for her.

Zoé swore she heard (Y/N) say something along the lines of "What a jerk." But she wasn't exactly sure.

"You could still try, you know." Zoé said after a wave of silence crashed through them. (Y/N) merely nodded at her words,

"I could. I know there's a bunch of hotties hiding around the corners of Paris. Just gotta find the nest or something." She joked.

While they chattered about, (Y/N) noticed Marinette's familiar midnight hair out of the corner of her eye.

Her head perked up when she saw Marinette with a guy she's swore that she has seen before. (Y/N) just couldn't remember where.

A mischievous smile tilts up her lips, "Zoé, babe. Look at this~ I think Marinette is out on a date."

At this revelation, Zoé turned to look at the direction where (Y/N) was pointing at.

And sure enough, there stood Marinette near the fountains with a guy that looked like he came out of a commercial.

He is a handsome, fair-skinned guy with swept-to-the-right, brushed-back blonde hair. His cheeks, nose, and ear tips are tinted rosy, and his eyes are a shining emerald green.

"You don't remember him? That's Adrien Agreste, you fool. We modelled with him once during our fashion trip to the UK." Zoé shrugged.

"Agreste? I think it kind of rings a bell. But that's not what I'm interested in." (Y/N) stands up from her seat and eyes Marinette and Adrien like how a hawk would.

She then continued, "I want to know if they're dating. Are they in a relationship of some sorts?"

"Oh, Hun. If only you knew."

After that, (Y/N) clasps her hands together in delight, "Alright, that's a good enough answer for me. Time for some stalking- For inspirational purposes of course."

"Miss (Y/N), you can't just wander around stalking people." Fernando deadpanned, looking at (Y/N) with a blank stare in his eyes.

(Y/N) merely waved him off, a smirk on her lips as she replies to him. "Nonsense! I'll be stealthy, I promise." Then she started walking towards them, hiding behind the bushes and such.

Of course she looked obvious, but Marinette and Adrien looked to preoccupied to notice her.

Zoé looked at (Y/N)'s bodyguard with confusion written all over her face.

"You aren't going to follow her?" She asked him.

Fernando shrugs at Zoé, "She's in my range of sight. Plus, I don't see any possible threats near Miss (L/N)."

"Figures." Zoé nodded her head. "It's fun to watch her so silly things, don't you think?" She then asked after a brief moment of silence.

Her question received a small smile from Fernando, and with just that, Zoé already knew his answer.

(Y/N) hid behind the nearby bush. Closely examining Marinette and Adrien as they chatted about something that was incoherent to (Y/N), since she was to far to hear them.

Nonetheless, she could see the emotions in their actions and facial expressions.

Even a toddler could tell that Marinette was head over heels for the blond boy.

"Fufufu~ This is interesting." She said to no one in particular.



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