Chapter 30: rainbow sword

Start from the beginning

It is sharper than a comet, like a sharp sword stabbing down from the sky, cutting off the clouds, destroying the dead, and the brilliance is not completely dimmed until tens of minutes later.

After a long time, Shi Yuan knew that it was the alliance's space-based laser weapon "Rainbow Sword". It hit the southeast outpost and destroyed the entire polluted outpost.

On this day, Lu Tinghan didn't come back to eat hot fried asparagus with him as promised.

Neither did the days that followed.

"This **** thing stinks." The man with the first antlers kicked the broken bones away. "It smells worse than your socks that haven't been washed in a week."

"Oh, you're wrong. At least my socks won't poison you." Xing Yifeng squatted on the ground, put on his gloves, and fiddled with a strangely shaped skull. Professor Guan."

He picked up the skull, carefully placed it in the carry-on container, and sealed it.

The ground was full of flesh and blood, and space-based weapons blasted it to pieces, leaving a 100-meter-deep pothole, as if the ground had been severely injured, and the **** inside was turned out.

Beside them are more than a dozen mutant warriors, collecting the remains of infected creatures.

The outpost has been destroyed, and the infection group has temporarily stopped. They must hurry up to collect information to prepare for the next round of attacks.

"These monsters really stink." Antler continued, "The smell won't wash away in three days."

"What are you afraid of!" The wolf paw next to him pinched his nose, "If you want to have one tenth of my sense of smell, you will definitely collapse!"

"The rodent infection group is like this, but this time the rats are the most." Xing Yifeng stood up and stepped on the smelly soil with a rifle/gun.

The infected swarms came so ferociously that they were endless, every inch of the soil seemed to be soaked in black blood, making people frown. And... not only monsters are buried in this land, but also their comrades-in-arms. Flesh and flesh blend together and end up in dust. He can still hear the endless screams of monsters and the roars of soldiers.

A gust of wind blew from the wilderness, swirled, and flocked to this hideous pothole, bringing with it a **** stench.

The sun was going down, and they had to hurry up.

Pieces of skeletons and pieces of minced meat were put into containers, and occasionally someone even teased the teammates who were stunned by the smoke, but everyone knew that this would not change the atmosphere much.

The outpost - this extremely important line of defense for the city, was wiped out.

Today is guarded, so what about tomorrow?

So what about the countless tomorrows that everyone is looking forward to?

Xing Yifeng frowned and turned over another layer of soil. Under the soil was half a leg bone, scorched and distorted, it was hard to tell whether it was a human or a monster. There was a piece of cloth beside it, which Xing Yifeng recognized as a military uniform. He paused for two seconds, put the cloth into his arms, and continued to search.

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