Players of this Game

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Before we go any further, I should introduce you to the main players in this game of my life.

Baba: My father, a self-proclaimed "energetic finance geek".

Mama: My mother, who everybody proclaims is cute and huggable.

Bhai: My brother, the cute and huggable energetic marketing un-geek. (Mix and match of genes is responsible for this.)

Bhooki Shodi or BS: Our doggie-woggie-doo-dah-aren't-you-such-a-lovable-thinggg.

My gadgets: I am going to be upfront about this: I have a lot of gadgets. A lot. You'll get introduced to them as they show up in the chapters. If I list them here, I'll get a round of virtual kicks from all of you.

My muse: Nonexistent. I should be upfront about this, too. Inspiration strikes me randomly and without reason. Sorry, folks, no musings about the muse shall spring from this keyboard.

Me: I go through one addiction after another. Addiction to my phone, to the laptop, to Facebook, to Candy Crush, to-hey, I'll stop here. I don't want to give away the whole story in the introduction, now, do I?

Who are the main players in your life? To see mine in action, keep reading!

Infinite InkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon