Medical Emergency Part 1

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"Dr. Malik, line one please, Dr. Malik, line one," everyone heard piped over the air as Dr. Zayn Malik walked along the corridor.

Dr Zayn Malik ; Dr Malik here how may I help you

Nurse. Dr Malik we have A problem down here in the Er we have a young woman you was hit by I car and she as hurt head and there a crack in it we can pin point the cause of it Dr Payne said that you might be able to help us with that one sir

Dr Malik. I'm on my way now let's see how this all works out when I get there be there in 2 minutes

Nurse .thank you Dr Mailk and then I told the nurses that I will being see people in my off then I'll be on my lunch beark

They said OK Dr mailk sir .as I was walking away I could here some of the new nurses say how hot I am but they don't. Know I'm gay .and that my handsome husband works for me which is a good thing to because when

Zayn POV

I hungup the phone and made my down to the Er where I was need you see I'm one of the best Er Dr around I my be young but I know my stuff you see I was at the top of my class I have one of the higher IQ out there .my life is great I have got the best life.I could as for .my happily married to my high school sweetheart and it a male his name is Niall and he also my medical assistant and I love him to death I would give my life for him what my baby wants my baby gets .the only thing missing is kids you see Niall as something in his DNA that can get him M peg but where sure it I can you shot the gun so to speak .as I got to the Er my best mate brought me back out of my thoughts

Dr Laim James payen .hay gald you could help out on this one mate I don't know where to pin point what going on with the young woman

Dr Zayn Malik. Let's see what I can do to help you out with mate

I walk over to the woman looked over the hole in her head and said I Want MRI done.t now so I get a close look

Nures .right a why Dr Mailk

The girl was took to for her MRI right away and. Was checked .when she was bought back to the Er .I looked over the MRI I looked it over and saw that the hole was made by the impact of the car on the girl head and that she lost a lot of blood and that her blood pressure gone through the roof

DrMailk . get this girl to the Or now I'll need to lose the pressure on her head where it carked and get me something to bring her blood pressure down now

Nures .yes right away Dr Mialk

After I had the young girl fix up I talk to her parents and said that she will be OK because I stop the blood coming from her head and now that I have stop the blood I was able to lower blood pressure and stuff now she may have high blood pressure for time to time because off all this I said to them for now I said

The girls parents. We can we take her home Dr Mailk

DrMailk .well I want to keep her here for a few days just to make sure she can eat and stuff

They thank me

I them told one of the nurses that I'll be seeing people I'm my office and stuff .and then I will be taking my lunch break before I head over to the free clinic I own with my best Friend he the Dr I was talking to early Dr Laim James Payen we know each other since middle school along with my husband Niall and are to other best friends harry who is liam boyfriend they have there up and downs but they always work thought it and they don't get how me and Niall have such a heart married life .we also tell them if where upset about something where going to talk it out.and stuff and it always works it out and we meet each other half way .are other best friend we have is Louis he lives a cross form mine and Niall house .he as know girlfriend it is why he a bit of always getting drunk and stuff .but he do like this one girl her name is perrie Edward s she is Laim medical assistant.

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