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"Well, it seems like you are ready to go."

I grinned at Derek. "Yes, we certainly are. How's it been working with Dr. Grace?"

He hugged me tightly when I opened my arms. "It's been great. I love learning how to help people, and everyone has been really kind to me. No pitying gazes here."

I rubbed his back and just held him in my arms for a few seconds. "That's good, Derek."

"Have the burns gone away?" he suddenly asked, and I shook my head.

"Those will be permanent reminders of my reasons for living and surviving. How about your scars? I know it's been tough with rehab, but you've been doing great so far."

Derek smiled a bit. "Mhm. I met someone who is helping me relearn to love myself."

"Aww," I cooed, cupping his cheeks. "Tell me who your special person is when we get back, okay?"

Derek blushed and quietly agreed. "Safe travels, Teddy."

I waved to him, kissed Papa's cheeks as a goodbye (since we had shared a more formal one earlier in private), then hurried out the front door to Aimé's car with my suitcase in hand. Aimé, my sweet gentleman, took my luggage and put it next to his own in the trunk of his car. He waved to Papa and Derek, then kissed my head as he settled me into the passenger seat. I pecked his lips before he straightened, so Aimé was very pleased.

"Was your papa disappointed?" he asked, starting to drive back the way he came.

"About what?" I asked, then noticed Aimé's hand mimicking a sleeping motion. "Oh, about not being able to sleep with me for the next week?"

My man nodded, so I smiled. "Papa was a bit disappointed, but we spent the last few days cuddled up and doing everything together. I did add that this would be a good trial run for when I move into a place with you and I can't sleep with him every night."

Aimé suddenly looked giddy. "I can't wait until the day that we move in together." he breathed, then smiled at me. "But I do think you should have a sleepover at home with your papa at least a couple times a week."

I chuckled. "Sure, Aimé, and you can climb in bed sometimes, too."

"Good to know," he replied with a laugh. "I guess your papa wasn't too upset last time."

"No, just surprised."

Aimé's brown-hazel eyes met my bright gray ones. "Rayiys, I love you."

My cheeks warmed. "I love you too, Aimé. I'm happy we can spend this little vacation together without interruptions." I responded, leaning over the console to kiss his cheek.

My precious man grinned. "Me too, Theo."

I plopped back down into the passenger seat and rested my elbow on the console to observe my fiancé's handsome face. He started to squirm not long afterwards.

"Aimé, when do you want to switch off?"

He blinked and calmed down. "I think I will be fine until we reach the next state over. We'll need gas by then, too."

"So we'll switch off at a gas station and probably grab a quick bite to eat." I murmured, then pulled my phone out of my backpack and searched for a fast food joint in the area we'd probably stop.

Aimé purred when I rested my cheek on his right shoulder. We were both pleased to be getting out and away from the things that tied us down and trapped us in place. It was mostly because of our memories of Éloy, but also due to the work that ensnared us so easily.

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