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I pulled open the door and stepped inside Charleston's, immediately feeling the tense atmosphere of the establishment. I let the door close behind me and locked my eyes with brown-hazel ones.

"I heard that you caused quite a fuss to get me here."

He just kept staring for another ten seconds, then raked a hand through his sandy-blond hair. "So? It did work."

"Yeah, but I'm really pissed off right now since I left my most important person in the hands of a stranger to keep you from hurting my friends." I said in an evenly icy tone, cracking my fingers and my neck. "Would it kill you to realize the situation you're in?"

He rushed me, but I pushed the door open and sidestepped to trip him with one foot. Weirdly enough, it seemed like he purposely caught his ankle. He landed hard on the sidewalk and skidded a couple inches. I saluted Tori and Tyler, then let the door close behind me again as I walked out. I gripped the back of the other guy's jeans and dragged him into the alley next to Charleston's, then dropped him onto some broken glass. He gasped with a whimper of pain when I kicked between his legs. It wasn't that hard of a hit, but it still would have hurt like hell.

"You're so fucking stupid to come after me again. You should have known it meant more pain and suffering."

He grunted and forced himself up. "So?"

"Shit, you must really be a masochist." I replied half-jokingly, but he stiffened and fell silent. It was obvious that I hit the mark. We were both quiet for ten long seconds before I spoke up, "Look, I won't tell anyone, but find someone else to beat you up. I don't want any part of it."

He was deathly quiet when I left. I checked my phone for the time. I still had quite a long while before I had to get home, but I started in that direction since I had no plan. Not long after, I heard a shoe scuff behind me. I dodged and swiftly turned around to hop backwards. The guy with brown-hazel eyes chuckled as he smeared his cheeks with blood from the small cuts that were littered across his face.

"I'll stalk you until you beat me." he stated with a smirk, but I rolled my eyes with a loud sigh on my lips.

"Wow, what a threat. I don't fucking care. I already have more than a few guys stalking my ass to beat the crap out of me."

The guy cracked his neck. "I'll be your bodyguard and you can pay me in beatings."

"I can beat the shit out of them just fine on my own, thanks. I've been doing that for six years. Leave me the fuck alone." I snapped, stalking across the road.

I glanced over and saw him starting to cross. I huffed and walked faster. This guy was so annoying. A hand caught my shoulder about twenty minutes later and I whirled, but I hesitated punching for once.

"Oh, Tyrone." I said, changing my stance. "Sorry, that bastard I left Callum for was getting persistent."

Tyrone smiled nervously. "Look, can we talk? Callum already headed back to your place."

"All right, I guess. Is he okay? Your date ended earlier than expected."

"I don't know. I might have said something mean, but I quickly apologized."

"Mm, he's gonna hold a grudge. Where do you wanna talk?"

"How about there?" he asked, pointing to a small coffee shop a little farther down the street.

I shrugged and let him escort me to it. I could feel a furious gaze burning into our backs, so I raised my right fist in the air and flipped the gaze a tall middle finger. Tyrone eyed it, then glanced behind us.

"Sandy-haired guy?"

"Yep," I replied, opening the door for him. "He's an annoying shit."

Tyrone silently thanked me and I stepped inside after him. I paid for a cup of peppermint tea with a shot of milk, then sat at the table Tyrone picked while waiting for my order to be ready.

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