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I sighed and began washing my hands. The door that was closed suddenly opened, but I ignored the man leaving the stall since he clearly wasn't my man. I moved to dry my hands and stiffened when a disgusting stench washed over me just as the older man moved to the closest sink to mine.

I glanced over and he was staring directly at my face. I bit back a noise of surprise as my eyes widened. His graying blond hair was slicked back in a greasy way and he wore extremely casual clothing. But aside from those things, his closed-lipped smile was scarily sinister.

My feet carried me away from the creep, but he snagged my wrist and smirked. "Ooh, what a pretty boy." he cooed in a slurring way, then smiled.

Almost all of his teeth were gone and his gums had gangrene. I bit back my vomit and pried his fingers off my arm. He just grabbed me again, though, so I kicked him hard. His lower back hit the edge of the countertop and he fell down onto the floor with a grunt. I panted a bit, then my eyes widened when I spotted his diseased-looking penis. It had probably been freed from his tattered, dirty jeans before he grabbed me. My stomach roiled in disgust.

I went to the sink to wash off my arms, but he moved to get up. For some reason, I was too freaked out to want to beat the crap out of him. I kicked him once more (this time between his legs) and dashed out of the restroom. My body whacked into something hard, but familiar arms and an enticing scent made me want to cry with relief. I hugged Aimé tightly, rubbing my face on his chest.

"Th-Theo? What's wrong?" he whispered.

My bottom lip trembled and I tilted my head back with teary eyes. "A-Aimé..."

He stiffened. "D-did I hurt your feelings, Theo? I'm sorry, I was just too upset, so I wanted to cool off."

I shook my head and squeezed him tighter. "I know." I said softly, my voice sounding so weak and vulnerable.

Aimé led me to a quiet corner of the hallway and hugged my shoulders. I kept hold of him, breathing in his scent to calm my trembling body.

"Rayiys Theo, what happened?" he whispered with a slight growl, holding my head with a firm hand.

I took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled. "It's stupid. I got scared for no reason."

His chest rumbled with a proper growl as he whispered, "Theodore, tell me."

"Um, i-in the restroom..."

He waited while I tilted my head back to look at his face. It was scrunched into a terror-inducing expression that was filled with fury and bloodlust. And although it should have scared me, I knew Aimé was just angry for my sake.

I explained the situation, even the gross penis part. "H-he was p-planning on—!" I cut myself off because my jaw was trembling too much to continue.

A deep rumble started in his chest. It sounded beyond horrifying, but I hugged him tighter as his muscles bulged when he tensed.

"No one touches my rayiys. No one!"

I squeezed his waist when he began to walk forward. I changed my stance to pin him against the wall.

"Let me go, Rayiys! I will fucking kill him."

"Stop, please. Aimé, please, stay with me. We can tell the restaurant and they can call the police. I think that guy sneaked in. He looked homeless."

Aimé breathed deeply a few times and managed to force his fury inside what was probably a very unstable clay pot. I feel like it could shatter if anyone spoke to us.

"Um, Aimé?"

His furious brown-hazel eyes met my face. "Yes, Rayiys?"

"W-will you please hold me?" I asked, loosening my tight grip on his waist.

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