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Callum looked like he was ready to leap on me with relief, but he was obviously still very angry from his body language. I set my bag down and locked the door, then pulled out three baggies. Callum's dark eyes brightened more to his usual emerald-green color when I tossed him the pastel pink baggie.

Jackson was leaning on the wall by the kitchen, his greenish brown eyes darker than usual. I guess Callum told him the news. I tossed him a red bag and a green one to Tyrone.

"What's this?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"Cookies." I replied simply, leaving my backpack by the door. I took off my shoes and stood in the living room.

It was deathly silent again. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck, drawing attention to the bruises. Jackson looked like he was about to murder someone, Callum was about to cry, but Tyrone was clearly feeling awkward.

I sighed again, then hopped over the couch to land in the middle. "Hmm, how to start..."

"Did someone grab you on the way to the cafeteria?" asked Callum from his spot against the wall opposite to Jackson.

I shook my head. "No, Cale."

"Then someone before you reached the office?" asked Jackson.

My breath left me in a soft sigh as I shook my head again. "No, Jack."

Callum trembled. "W-was it the dean?"

I remained silent and he burst into tears. He leapt onto me and knocked my body sideways. I moved to lay myself down in a more comfortable position and let him sob on my chest. It was really nothing to cry over, but it made me a bit happy.

Jackson leaned over the back of the couch. "Why did the dean do that shit to you?"

"I spoke the truth and that set me free later." I explained cryptically and then chuckled, so Jackson looked less furious. He was still upset, though.

"How did the dean let you stay if he was that upset?" asked Callum, his green eyes dull with sadness.

"The real question is why he wants me to quit college."

Jackson frowned. "Why? You're an exemplary student."

I sighed again. "Because he wants me."

"Wants you?" asked Tyrone this time. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"He wants me to stop attending college and move into his house."

Jackson stiffened. "D-doesn't he have a wife and a kid?"

"They're separated and he's in the midst of a divorce. The poor kid must be so sad." I pushed a hand through my hair. "The dean wants my bare body in his arms. He wants to use me how he wishes, but that isn't going to happen. I manage to get out of trouble every time, so I think I can still graduate."

"Have you ever given—?" Callum stopped himself and tucked his face into my neck.

I hugged his upper body tightly. "No, never. He always makes sure to kiss me before I leave, though."

Jackson clenched his fists. "Fucking—!"

"Ssh," I shushed, tilting my head back. He took the kiss I was offering and gave it back with more fervor. I smiled as he reluctantly drew himself away. "Your and Callum's kisses are way better than the dean's pecks."

"Of course," responded the brothers.

I smiled. "Now that the truth is out, can we get rid of the awkwardness? Tyrone is clearly suffering."

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