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Basile handed me a mug of hot cocoa after Aimé was dragged away to deal with something within the compound. I took the offering with a smile, the long sleeves of Aimé's sweater hanging at my elbows for a moment.

"Thank you," I said softly.

He shook his head and sat down on the leather couch to my left. I sat in the corner of the right-hand sofa.

"You're welcome. We've never really had time to talk. And then with the kidnapping thing and Corbin almost getting tortured and killed..." he trailed off, and I nodded to express my understanding of the situation.

"Thanks for that." he whispered, eyeing me carefully. "For risking yourself to save my little brother."

I shook my head. "Aimé saved him, not me. All I did was buy some time."

Basile glared. "Don't say you weren't a part of that! If you hadn't bought time, Corbin would have—!" he shouted, then turned his head with a trembling jaw.

"I'm sorry." I sighed. "Aimé told me off about this, too."

"Good." He chuckled, then sipped at his cocoa. "I forgive you."


"Do you really hate the idea of taking part of the credit?"

I slowly blinked, staring at the floor. "Perhaps."

Basile smiled ever so gently, his eyes reddened from holding back the tears. "You shouldn't. You saved a life—more than one, actually. You saved my big brother's life, too."

My bottom lip trembled. "I-I know."

"Thank you, Teddy. Thank you so much."

Corbin came into the living room just as we were wiping our eyes, so his eyebrows shot up when he noticed. I chuckled and welcomed him over as I sipped at my drink.

"What were you talking about?" he asked, plopping down next to me.

Basile chuckled. "A couple important things."

Corbin quirked his lips to the side. "What important things?"

I chuckled. "You, of course."

He turned his head sharply and stared at me until I raised my eyebrows. His face reddened slightly and he shyly turned his face away from mine. I chuckled and took another sip of the hot, chocolatey goodness, then set the mug on the glass side table next to me.

"Is it true you killed people to save me?"

Basile clicked his tongue. "Cor, don't ask that sort of thing."

Corbin bit his cheek. "I just want to know."

I chuckled and held out my right hand, and Corbin stared at it as I uttered, "My skin and clothes were stained with the enemies' blood."

Corbin's lips parted ever so slightly. "What was it like?"

I sighed and clenched my fist. "It never really registered at the time because I was so focused on the task at hand. But like I said earlier at the beginning of my introduction, the fact remains that I killed many men and their blood will forever remain on my hands."

Basile shifted in his spot, suddenly looking uneasy. I felt a familiarly intense gaze and smiled to myself as I reached behind my head. Corbin flinched when Aimé grasped my hand and leaned over the sofa to kiss my right cheek.

"Rayiys Theo, I see you're getting along with my brothers. Are they treating you well?"

I chuckled. "Yes, of course. Are you done with your work, Aimé?"

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