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"Too light!"

Aimè held back his moan of pleasure when I slammed my knee into his stomach.

"Fight back, Aimé! You're making this too easy. I know you're strong, my sexy man, but you need to use that strength." I hissed, gripping his throat with my left hand as I jabbed my elbow into his stomach.

"I-I can't—!" He let a mewl slip out as I slammed his back onto the mat.

I sighed and stroked his bruised jaw. "Aimé, remember your desire to pin me down and have your wicked way with me. Use that strength."

His eyes darkened. "After training?"

I chuckled and smirked. "Only if you can graze me."

He licked his split lip, partially smearing the blood. "Well, I do like a challenge, Rayiys Theo."

"I know you do." I chuckled, hopping away from him as he slowly rose to his feet.

I got into a defensive stance, then heard his weight shift on the mat. I weighed my options, then ducked and drove my fist into his stomach again. He grunted, then tried to slam his elbow into my back. I whirled around his backside and kicked his ass, sending him sprawling.

He groaned into the mat. "Theo! You're too much!"

I laughed. "Hey, we're supposed to be in a mock fight. Don't you want to win the bed, love?"

He turned his head to look at me. "Honestly, I'm perfectly happy getting beaten up."

I snorted. "Okay, so what about me and my needs?"

Aimè rose up on his forearms and craned his neck to look at my face. "What?"

My crazy grin made him shiver. "If you don't fight me properly in the next minute, I won't touch you for the next two days while you're here."

His jaw dropped. "You meanie!" he exclaimed, shoving himself upright on the mat.

I laughed, holding up my forearm to block his hit. "I guess I have to be mean to get what I want."

He blushed. "M-me?"

"Yes," I purred, "all of you, my handsome man."

Aimé swallowed thickly and changed his stance. I smirked. Finally.

"Rayiys Theo, will I get punished if I actually bruise you?"

My eyebrows shot up. "Cocky, aren't you? And yes, likely so. Papa has made that quite clear."

"Hmm, and would you give him some tips for my punishment?"

I smirked. "If you want me to."

A blur whipped past my head and I felt a flash of fear. Aimé was really dangerous after all. I sidestepped and went to punch him, but he caught it and twisted my arm. However, I followed the movement and landed a roundhouse kick to his head. He grunted and grabbed my ankle before I could pull it away. Aimé had a dark gleam in his eye when he thought he had me trapped.

I smirked, which made his eyes widen. I jumped and spun, smashing my right foot into his face. He staggered back and held his red face, wiping the blood from his nose and mouth. His crazy grin was even more insane than mine.

"This feels good, Theo." he said with a laugh, so I was a bit stunned for a moment.

I keep forgetting how much of a masochist he is whenever I hear his cute whining and see his adorable bouts of pouting.

Sensing an incoming hit, I bent backwards and twisted out of the way, grabbing Aimé's dominant wrist and flipping him over my back. He stopped the flip and twisted around, trying to pin my arms in place. I chuckled and ducked under his arm, but I felt his leg brush against mine. I leaped into a smooth somersault, remaining crouched as I looked up at Aimé with a predatory gaze. He shuddered, breaking his concentration for a moment.

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