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I took his hand and led him into his bedroom, then shut the door behind us. Dad sat down on the edge of his queen-sized bed, his fingers drumming a nervous beat on his knees. I cupped his jaw and kissed the other side.

"Breathe, Dad. We can stop at any time."

He sighed and nodded, the barest whisper of agreement forming on his lips. I stood in front of him and began to remove my bear-themes hoodie. Dad managed to stay calm while I pushed down my light brown capri jeans, causing more of my flushed, creamy skin to come into his line of sight.

I stepped out of my jeans, then all that was left were my white ankle socks, my light brown panties, and a white t-shirt with a teddy bear on it. Dad blushed and looked away when he saw it all, but returned his gaze to my body when I didn't move to finish undressing. I chuckled as I toed off my socks, then Dad looked surprised when I went to remove my underwear before my shirt.

"What's under my shirt will distract you more than what's under my panties, Dad." I said softly, and he frowned. I guess he'd forgotten.

I dropped my panties onto the pile of my clothing, then removed my t-shirt. Dad's eyes widened at the gruesome scar on the left side of my chest, above where my heart pounded away. He went to stand, but I stopped him and turned around. Dad's breath hitched when he saw the snake-like burn scar down the left side of my back. The entry scar from when something pierced my shoulder was also there, but it was nothing too shocking next to the beautiful burn scarring.

Dad stood and placed his right hand on the burn, his left hand pressing the scar on my chest. "So these are what allowed me to meet you." he whispered, pressing kisses to my shoulder.

I hummed my agreement. Dad pressed his fingers firmly to my skin, sliding them over the rough and ridged areas. I relaxed as his hand slid down my side, then I leaned into him. Dad curled his arms around my waist and tucked his head down, slowly rocking us back and forth again. I placed my right hand on top of his forearms, lifting my left hand to bury it in my dad's auburn hair. Dad shuddered with a soft sigh on his lips, which now pressed into the junction of my neck and shoulder.

"Does it still hurt?" he asked quietly, after lifting his lips from my skin.

"Not normally. I do get twinges of pain sometimes, but I have full mobility as well thanks to both Aimé and Papa."

"Why is that?"

"They continued to slather a silver gel onto my burns and gave me a massage each time so that my skin wouldn't grow stiff in those areas. They kept me limber, in a way."

"Whose idea was that?"

"It was Aimé's idea. He taught Papa how to do it, so whenever he was away, Papa did it for me. But then again, Papa did it even while Aimé was around. They just like taking care of me."

Dad hummed. "Theodore, I-I don't want to make this awkward, but I would like to continue."

My eyebrows shot up. "Really?"

He nodded, his head brushing against mine. "Should I get undressed now?"

I turned around and hugged his waist. "Thank you, Dad."

"For what?" he asked, kissing my head.

"For agreeing to this. I can guess how hard it was for you to make this decision."

Dad chuckled. "I am slowly learning its purpose, so I'm still going to be a bit shy."

"No worries." I said as I pecked his chin, a giggle on my lips.

He smiled happily, then I took a seat on the bed to watch him undress. Dad removed his shirt first, baring his pale skin. He had a small patch of fine chest hair that had a trail down into his jeans. Dad was clearly still in shape. I mean I would imagine he'd have to be for his nursing job because some had to lift unconscious people onto gurneys in the hospital or move heavy equipment.

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