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"One last thing..." I said to myself, doing my best to quickly don the heavy upper body armor.

It was a bulletproof vest and there were metal plates under that in key areas to avoid my vitals being hit in close combat with a knife.

Aimé waited for me by the doorway of the changing room. Almost everyone was ready to go. I had been a bit late because I had to tell my friends that we were going out and the Rider brothers had hugged me for longer than I'd realized at the time.

"Ready?" asked Aimé, holding out his hand.

I nodded and took it, kissing his cheek as he bent down to do the same. He pulled me closer by gripping my ass and I chuckled while I hugged him.

"You look hot with weapons on you." he growled, sliding his fingers between my thighs.

I muffled my moan into his shoulder, shivering as two fingers rubbed my balls. "Is that so?"

I had one knife in its sheath on my left thigh and a gun on my right hip with a few extra magazines in a small ammo belt.

"Yes, it is so." murmured Aimé, nipping my jawline. "Let's go, Theo."

"Mhm." I hummed, immediately missing his warmth when he pulled away. He looked disappointed, too.

He grasped my gloved hand and we left the room, gathering in the main hall with the rest of my family. Jackson, Callum, and Tyrone were leaning over the railing upstairs. They looked worried, but no surprise there.

Papa ushered us forward and the crowd parted. I politely dipped my head in thanks as I led Aimé towards my papa. We stood next to him, but Papa straightened once I got closer to his left side.

"Out of you all, we are taking two-thirds. The last third will stay here to protect our home and the precious people inside it. Each of you and Theodore's other set of family members. The two-thirds should be ready to see unsightly things because the Ivory Tigers is a gang that holds no remorse for beating, raping, and removing both fingers and toes off little old ladies."

Faces hardened in the crowd. They were pissed off. Some looked sick to their stomachs, though, and I knew they would stay here.

"We either capture or kill depending on the situation. Capture when you can, kill when you have no other choice. Knives are the best options in close combat, especially during situations that need quiet handling. Try not to leave any evidence, but we can clean it up later if necessary."

"Yes, sir!" shouted the men, and it was a roar in my ears.

Aimé was ready for what was to come, but was I ready?

"Theodore, do you have something you want to say?" asked Papa, so I swallowed thickly and nodded.

He moved me in front of him and placed his hands on my shoulders. "Everyone, Theodore has something he wants to tell you."

Suddenly, all eyes focused on me. I flushed a light pink from nervousness and almost laughed when I heard soft coos from the crowd.

"This will be my first time doing anything so severe, but I feel that it's necessary. Please, do not mind me at all and focus solely on the task at hand. I do not want to see any of you wounded or dead in that place. You are all part of my precious family, so please be mindful of what you do and stay safe." I said firmly, then watched as some men took a knee while others bowed.

Papa chuckled. "I guess I know who this business is going to when I retire."

"Papa!" I exclaimed, so laughter broke out and eased the stiff atmosphere.

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