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I stared at the ceiling while waiting rather patiently for time to pass. I had already looked around the room several times just to amuse myself. Unfortunately, I hadn't seen Aimé since the punishment three days ago. It had already been a week since I was kidnapped, although it'd probably have been about ten days for my boyfriend.

Éloy still allowed messages between us, which was a relief because I knew my man was still very much alive. My wounds have scabbed over several times now, but Éloy kept picking at them. He wanted the long, somewhat jagged whip lines to scar. I knew Aimé would be pissed, but I kind of like them. They're just proof of all the things I've survived so far. I find most scars sexy and cool.

"Aren't you bored?"

I rolled over and eyed Éloy sitting upright against the headboard. He had his laptop on his thighs and he was looking over the top of it at me. I was laying horizontally across the bed with my head by Éloy's left ankle.

"I thought you'd never ask." I chuckled, then slid my knee towards my chest.

Éloy hummed as my graphite-gray sweater slid up over my ass. "Come here, little kitty."

I pulled myself closer and then pushed my upper body to rest against his left side. Éloy cupped my left cheek and kissed my head, then curled his arm around my waist. I peered at his work. There were various levels of communication and projects from what I could see before Éloy switched to a page on his main web browser.

"I was getting a bit bored anyway, so what do you want to watch?"

"What do you want to watch?" I asked him, rubbing my head against his neck.

Éloy snorted and pushed on the tip of my nose. "Just answer my question."

I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe a compilation video?"

"How about we try not to laugh? The first one to laugh has to do one thing the winner wants."

I was the one to snort this time. "Are you sure you can win?"

Éloy chuckled. "The game's not fun if the stakes aren't high."

"Huh, okay. It's a deal then."

He typed in a funny video compilation and picked the first one. The first half absolutely sucked, so Éloy and I had no trouble with it. The second half proved to be a bit more challenging for the both of us.

When a dog ran into a wall and bounced off in a spin to then do the same a few more times, I had to bite my lip to stop from laughing. Éloy nearly lost it when a skateboarder slammed his junk three times by falling over several stairways. That made me wince, but I think only a truly sadistic and cruel person could laugh at what Éloy did.

I lost on the next pet video. The lizard kept punching the other one with its tongue when a grub was stolen. Éloy chuckled and pushed his fingers through my hair.

"You have a pretty laugh," he murmured. "But I like your voice more when you're in pain."

I tried not to stiffen. What did he have planned?

"Wait here, kitten. I will have you keep your word. This worked out well, considering I bought what I needed for this a couple days ago." Éloy smirked when he noticed my concerned expression. "Don't worry, it won't hurt...too much."

He took his laptop with him as he left and, as I stared at the dark green comforter, I realized I had been completely tricked. Éloy was planning on doing something regardless, but he had more authority over Aimé's mind with my permission for whatever was about to happen.

Éloy strode back inside the bedroom with a few items, but most of them were in his closed fist. He shut the door and then set everything down on the side table near me. My eyes widened when I noticed the needle and the lighter. Éloy snickered at my wide-eyed expression as he set down a small bottle of rubbing alcohol and a few cotton balls.

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