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"I will see you at dinner, Aimé."

"I know, but I just want to spend every second with you."

I chuckled and pecked his lips. "Your parents called you, though. Be a good boy and do as they say."

Aimé beamed at me and hugged the teddy bear I gave him as a present. "One more kiss and I'll be good."

"All right." I hopped up and kissed him again, pushing my fingers through his sand-blond hair. "I like you. Have a safe trip."

He blushed and grinned. "I like you too, Rayiys Theo. Thank you."

I murmured my response and shooed him off. I watched him walk down the hallway and wiggled my fingers at him when he turned back to look at me. He hugged his teddy bear tighter and got onto the elevator, wiggling the bear's paws at me as the doors closed.

"Wow, is that the guy Boss was talking about?"

I looked over at Trent with a laugh as he came up behind me. "Maybe. He is my adorable lover."

Trent put a hand on his left hip and lifted his free hand to his forehead for a dramatic pose. "Oh, woe is me! My boss' beautiful son has been taken by someone other than me!"

"Shut up." I laughed, elbowing his side. "You're such a joker."

"Only because of you, honestly. Even Lionel has changed since he brought you back."

Silently, I took a bit of pride in his statement. "So I've made everyone a bit happier?"

Trent snorted. "A bit? A hell of a lot more than that, Teddy. You make us more like a family and you actually train us to be better."

"And crazier, apparently."

He smirked. "Of course."

"So, what do you need me for?"

"Oh, that's right! Come with me."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

Trent raked a hand through his dark hair. "Some of our guys got into a row with a group from the Crimson Jackdaws."

I sighed and rubbed my face. "All right, let me grab my stuff."

Trent waited patiently until I was ready to lock the door to my hotel room. I shook my hair out and mentally readied myself as we headed down to the lobby. Trent eyed me with a smirk.

"You're totally going to kick some asses."

A dark laugh rumbled in my chest as my eyes hardened with annoyance. "Oh, you have no idea."

Trent trembled next to me. "Just don't beat on me, all right?"

I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't do that unless you deserved it."

He flipped his hair back. "Yes, I am ever so much a saint. I would never—ouch!" he yelped, only because I pinched a sensitive area of his side.

He pouted at me and rubbed his side until I moved my fingers over the area. Trent sighed and leaned on the wall. "Lionel is so unfair. He keeps you all to himself."

"That's not true. And if Papa was here, he'd smack you over the head for such a comment."

Trent grinned. "I really like it when he isn't here."

"Because you get hit less?"

"Yeah, and we have time to talk."

"A bit, maybe. Anyway, how'd our guys get into the fight with the Crimson Jackdaws' group?"

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