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"Papa!" I huffed, flopping down on our bed.

He looked up with a smile, moving his glasses to the bedside table. He was just shutting down his laptop for the night.

"Yes, my little bear?"

I admired his raw sexiness and grinned to myself. "Snuggles?"

Papa chuckled and set his laptop aside, sliding under the covers. He lifted his side. "Come here, my little teddy bear."

My smile widened. The reunion with the Rider brothers went well. There was lots of chaste smooches and hugging. It was very comforting. They were extremely disappointed when I said I had to go, but they both perked up when I promised to return in a few days.

I crawled under the covers with Papa, tucking my head against his chest with a happy sigh. He kissed my head, chuckling when I began to purr.

"Did anything of interest happen today, my adorable son, excluding your reunion?"

I hummed, pressing gentle kisses to his walnut-brown skin near his right nipple. Papa petted my hair while waiting for my answer.

"There was this one thing that was really strange."

Papa curled his free arm around my shoulders, tucking my body closer to him. I giggled and snuggled in as he uttered, "Tell me, my son."

"Oh, right. When I was leaving my family-like friends' apartment complex, a kid with blue hair came running up to me out of nowhere and demanded to duel with me. A duel, not even a normal challenge. He even slapped my face with a white glove."

"How odd."

"Indeed. I grabbed that glove and snapped it across his cheek in response and told him to fu—mm."

Papa had pressed a finger to my lips. "You know the rule, Theodore."

I nodded, so he removed his finger and let me get back to loving on him. Papa was clearly pleased from the rumble in his chest.

"I told him to leave me alone, but he still didn't get the picture. He promised that I would, and I quote, 'regret it'. He ran off a second later, so I went home not long afterwards."

"I will look into it, my son. He seems to be a pest."

"Pest? The guys who attacked me every day I left my home were pests. That kid seems closer to a tiny dust-bunny."

Papa chuckled and kissed my head. "I will do what I want, my son. Just let me spoil you."

I flushed. "O-okay, Papa."

"Aimé is arriving tomorrow. How about you surprise him with something fun?"

My cheeks burned. "N-not with those, right?"

Papa seemed to smirk and went silent, so I sighed and relaxed into him again. He curled tighter, his warmth and scent surrounding me in a delicious way. Sleep came easily as usual in his embrace.


"Go and greet him."

My cheeks burned. "P-Papa—!"

Papa's golden-brown eyes burned even more fiercely than my red-hot cheeks. "Theodore, give me a kiss and relax."

I smiled, hurrying over to him. Papa wrapped his arms around my waist and curled down. As my lips met his left cheek, the door opened.

"Hey, Boss—oh."

Papa glared at a blushing Trent, but he accepted my second kiss to his right cheek. He kissed both of my cheeks, then shooed me towards the door. Trent's face was flushed while he looked at me.

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