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"Oh, she's coming around!"

I tried to lift one hand to rub my face, then realized I was wearing handcuffs. My eyes snapped open and I winced from the blinding light.

"Ooh, wow...so pretty." said the excitable male voice. "Just like a little doll."

I weakly rubbed my eyes, still feeling the effects of the drug, then pushed up a bit to my knees. I slowly peered up and noticed a shape of a couch near me while I was on the floor. I could see one pair of legs that were shrouded in darkness while the beaming light from a single lightbulb was focused on me.

"Wh-where am I?" I gasped, acting frightened by the situation. "Wh-who are you?"

A dark chuckle from the darkness made me want to laugh, but I shrank back and scooted farther away.

"No, no!" exclaimed that voice again, and a hand reached out of the darkness towards me.

I twisted and quickly scooted my back against the wall, but I was still very visible. "P-please, let me go..." I whimpered, lowering my head. "I-I didn't do anything, I swear."

"Oh, we know. But my buddy Ben had me keep an eye on you and bring you back if you got a little lost." stated the calmer, deeper voice. "But my brother got attached."


"Me, me! You're so pretty!" exclaimed the other voice. "I wanna play with you!"

"P-play? B-but Basile is going to play with me when his work is finished."

The owner of the deeper voice clicked his tongue. "It is a waste on him. And it's also such a shame my other idiot brother got captured. It's been such a boring time trying to keep him safe. I wish that shitty bastard would leave me out of his mess. It was his fucking fault that he got greedy."

I tried not to let any emotion appear on my face. Éloy had a brother—two, maybe? Honestly, I wasn't sure that there were even two people in this room with me. The two voices took turns, never overlapping the other. But they could be twins, I guess, that took turns speaking.

"Anyway, that masochistic pervert Ben wouldn't be able to control you." remarked the calm voice, then the excitable one continued, "I wanna play with you!"

I tilted my head and thrust my wrists out. "Then why'd you cuff me? Don't you wanna play with me?" I asked cutely, pouting as I nosed the links between the handcuffs.

I heard one hitch of breath, then giggled and dropped my hands. "I guess you're not so scary after all!"

"Not scary?" murmured the calm voice, then I watched one figure stand in the inky shadows across from me. "I guess I'll show you how scary I can be."

I tilted my head and then watched with amazement as the man claiming to be Éloy's brother moved into the light. He looked very similar, but his body was littered with burn scars from what I could see of his neck and hands. The lower half of his face was obscured by what appeared to be a dark, breathable fabric. I think he had chocolate-brown eyes like Éloy, too.

"S-sir—?" I breathed, then jumped when he crouched down and placed his hands on my thighs.

The man seemed to smirk, then his whole demeanor changed. "Pretty Mio!" he exclaimed, then leaned forward to hug me. "You're super cute. I wanna play with you, Mio."

"What kind of play?" I asked quietly, and the kiddie version of the man appeared to grin, even though I couldn't see his mouth.

"Play house! You can be the mommy, Brother can be the daddy, and I will be the kid."

Break Me (MxM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora