I Oscar

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Old Town - 133 AC

I looked around Old Town with a frown. My keep has been finished, just intime for my coming of age. I will soon be traveling to King's Landing to bend the knee for Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, or as my siblings and I prefer to call her, Auntie Nyra.

Lately I have been thinking quite a lot about why and how I was given Old Town. My mother had not only been the queen's childhood friend and lady in waiting, she had also been the only loyal Hightower to the crown. Because of that she had risen and with her House Tully as well. My brother Kermit will inherite Riverrun and become the future Lord Paramount of the Riverlands, his betrothal to Lady Myrcella Mallister, daughter of Lord Jorah Mallister, has already been aranged. I, on the other hand, will be getting Old Town and am bethroath to Lady Ellyn Baratheon, who will also be inheriting Old Wyk, our children's futures will be secured. I know, Old Town and Old Wyk, kind of ironic, I wonder of our parents planned for it when they arranged our union. As for my little sister, the family's surprise but joy nontheless, Nyra Tully, named after the queen herself, was set to marry Loeron Lannister and inherite the Rock one day.

Yet, with all the ways the Tully's thrived, it also left a bad taste on my mouth. It mostly felt like that whenever mother's visage would twist in pain and guilt as she walked around her childhood town. At nights when she sat us down and explained to us why some lords and ladies would whisper on our backs about the blood we carry. The Tully House has always stood loyal to House Targaryen... but not House Hightower, and that is something we cannot forget.

Not even when I was knighted by the king himself or when my best friend, the future Prince of Dorne, takes me flying on his mount Tyraxes. That is something I will always need to remember and carry with me. Which is why I chose the name Oscar Leal, signifying my undying loyalty to the crown. My words became "Loyal Till The End," a testament to my unwavering commitment. My banner depicted a blue shield on a black background, symbolizing my Tully heritage and my allegiance to the crown.

I paced back and forth in my chamber, the weight of my conflicted emotions pressing heavily upon my heart. I couldn't escape the fact that Hightower blood coursed through my veins, a lineage that was marred by a dark chapter in history. On one side, I loved my mother dearly, and I was immensely proud of her accomplishments and loyalty to the crown. She had risen from humble beginnings to become a cherished confidante and friend of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen herself. Her unwavering devotion to House Targaryen had brought honor to our family, granting us lands and titles that were beyond our wildest dreams.

But on the other side, the truth gnawed at me, a constant reminder of the division that plagued my heritage. House Hightower had raised arms against the family of my best friend, Joffrey. He was my brother in all but blood, and I would gladly lay down my life for him if necessary. We shared secrets, dreams, and adventures, and our bond transcended the boundaries of noble houses. The thought that one side of my family had clashed with his, causing pain and suffering, tore at my soul.

It was a relentless battle within me, torn between my love and pride for my mother and the hatred I harbored for the actions of House Hightower. How could I reconcile these conflicting emotions? Could I truly be loyal to both my bloodline and the family I had chosen as my own? The weight of these questions burdened me, as if the weight of an entire realm rested upon my shoulders.

In the quiet solitude of my chamber, I searched for answers, struggling to find a path forward. I longed for peace, for a way to honor both my mother and Joffrey without compromising my principles. They were two halves of my identity, intertwined and inseparable. I yearned for a resolution that would quell the storm raging within me.

Yet, amidst the turmoil, there was a glimmer of hope. I realized that I had the power to shape my own destiny, to redefine what it meant to be a Hightower. I could forge a path that honored the loyalty and devotion of my mother while standing alongside Joffrey, defending him against any threat.

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