I Alicent

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King's Landing – 118 AC

I laughed, as I sat underneath the weirwood tree in the Red Keep, gossiping with Rhaenyra. It was just like the old times. We were not Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen or Lady Alicent Tully. We were just Nyra and Ali. It was refreshing and I loved it!

Knowing that no matter everything my old family had tried to do, they were not able to destroy the bond I share with my best friend. That even after years apart, doing our duties and being mothers, we still had the bond we forged as little girls.

A bond that I hope our children will share, I thought, smiling fondly as I watched Kermit and Oscar play with the princes.

"You know, my husband was telling me that he would not mind squiring Oscar when he grows up," Nyra told me.

"Really?" I turned to her surprised. "But he is the king."

"And you are my friend and I am the one who rules," she teased me, nudging me and making me laugh. "Also, he is a Tully, the son of a future Lord Paramount."

"He has the pedigree. As a second son, being knighted by the king will be nice for him," I told her, sharing my relief.

"I would also like if he and Joff can form a bond," Nyra smiled in conspiracy.

"That would be so nice!" I agreed, excitedly. "Two generations of friendship!"

"Let's hope for more," Nyra murmured, looking quite lost in her head.

"For many more to come," I agreed, holding her hand in comfort.

I knew her pain. I had also lost a father, he was a traitor and abusive, something that took me a long time to accept, but he was still my father. Nyra lost a caring father and a good king. She must be going through so much.

Sometimes I wonder why such a good person like Nyra had to go through so much, when all they've ever done is to give and give to others. The Gods are mysterious in so many ways.

I kept on wondering that, even after I made it back to my chambers in the Red Keep, and handed my kids to the maid to get ready for the last banquet of the week.

"Are you ok my love?" Elmo, my husband, asked me worriedly, as I finished putting the Tully-green gown.

"I am, it's just that Nyra looked quite sad today," I answered him with a soft kiss.

"The queen lost her father not that long ago and now has the weight of the realm on her shoulders," Elmo reasoned. "I do not blame her for still mourning. Though, I am sure that she will be an excellent ruler."

"That she will!" I agreed, beaming. Something I loved about my husband, is how he did not dismiss women and how much he trusted Nyra. She was incredible and people need to praise her more! "Oh! She talked to me about squiring Oscar with the king when he is old enough! He could also be Prince Joffrey's companion!"

"That's quite the generous offer," Elmo's eyes widened, both in shock and pleasure. "I will discuss it with the royal couple before we leave for Riverrun. My father and the Riverlands will be pleased."

I smirked internally at that. It was thanks to Nyra's sponsorship that I managed to marry a future Lord Paramount and it was thanks to her that I was shielded from scrunity when my father was revealed a traitor. However, people still wondered if I am good enough for Elmo. Not that anything could be done, I was a faithful wife and a great Lady of Riverrun. I had given them an heir and a spare.

But now, I have given them an in with the new royal couple. My son, a Tully, will be squired by the king and the companion of a prince. A prince that will keep his title, if by another name, when hhe inherites the lands of his father. Just for that, I had proven my worth beyond being a highborn woman

That will show them good! I thought pleased, thinking of the sour expressions the ladies of the Riverlands will wear when the news reach them. All those ladies that kept thinking of replacing me.

"House Baratheon is sitting on the High Table," a lady hissed to her husband, as Elmo and I headed for our seats. They were one of the closest ones to the High Table. Another smirk spread through my lips at that. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Today, the third prince will be celebrated? His brothers' betrothments were officially announced, does that mean that House Baratheon is uniting with House Taragryen and House Martell?" A lord inquired.

"So many Grand Houses uniting at the same time..."

"This is unprecedented!"

"We will need to tread carefully!"

"You are right, we can't end up on anyone's bad side now a days, they are all connected!"

"Targaryen, Martell, Arryn, Velaryon, and now Baratheon, Gods! The Queen is more supported than the previous king was!"

"And with as more dragonriders since the reign of King Jaehaerys!"

"The new Queen and King Consort sure love to make a commotion," Elmo whispered in amusement, making me chuckle. Of course, we knew, Nyra had told me all about it after the contract was signed. Though, she did swear me to secrecy. "Congratulations!"

"Congratulation!" We bowed at the royal family, sharing a smile with Nyra, as tradition, before heading for our seats. "Tonight will be so much fun!"

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