IV Rhaenyra

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Sunspear – 118 AC

Larys found the connection between Mellos and Otto, bringing both of them down to a swift end. Mellos tasted the sweet sword of Qoren, Dark Sister getting the blood sacrifice she needed, afterwards the body was burnt by Syrax angry flames. Otto got what he deserved by the one he hurt the most... Daemon. Caraxes having a feast on his body after dealing Daemon had chopped his head off.

House Hightower swore off any connection to Otto's actions, even going as far as disinheriting Otto's sons. Alicent cut off all connections to the Hightowers, swearing aligency to Princess Rhaenyra. Thanks to her close relation to the princess and her marriage to a Tully, she was seen as blameless and even pitied by having such a horrible man as father.

Which gladdened me. With Otto's death and everything finally over, I was finally able to move on completely. That Alicent, the horrible step-mother, that made my life a living hell, was not this time's Alicent. How could she be? She was a cowardly girl that married a man that could be her father and had four children so young. She was sad and alone, ripe to be manipulated by the poisonous lies of her father.

We were both just two little girls, used and abused by the men of this realm. Watching her so happy, carefree and with her hair down, even after marriage and motherhood. I realized that I was not the only one finally free, we both were. Her fingers were healed, unmarred by her usual self-harm. She no longer needed to do that.

Alicent and her husband had come to King's Landing, with their two sons, to swear that they had not known about Otto. Alicent had sobbed in my chest, never stopping from apologizing and begging for forgiveness. How could I not give it to her? How could I not give it to the Alicent that never came to be? When I saw the despair in her eyes, the same despair the other Alicent had... but kept silent behind a cold mask of hatred.

We both made many mistakes. We both hurt each other beyond reason. We both lost children and lied and betrayed each other. I am now happily married and will have all of my children, why should I not move on? I will not allow Otto's manipulations and poison to hold me any longer.

I will forgive but not forget, I will move on and be free of this weight. I am finally free!

"We are here," Qoren smiled at me. He looked so handsome when he smiled. A prince just for me... just like I wished when I was a kid. He was my biggest surprise when I came back, I had never expected to love him. But I do not regret it one bit. "Tyraxes! Calm down!" Qoren laughed, batting the young dragon away, as this one stumbled, flying circles around my husband.

Tyraxes was quite a beautiful dragon, just like his siblings. With his hatching, all the five dragons that have come from Syrax' clutch have been hatched. Tyraxes soon followed his sisters Moondancer and Morning.

"Ok, sweetie, calm down," I chidded the dragon gently. "Sorry darling."

"You know, I would believe you if you did not have that smile on your face," Qoren huffed, though I could see he was glad Tyraxes had flown to wrap himself around my neck like a necklace. I stopped wearing necklaces because of them, all of my sons' dragons loved doing that. "Let's get off this boat before the dragons reach Dorne and cause a mass panic without you three being there to keep them in check."

That's right, we were finally back in Dorne, and our dragons have traveled without us. Much to Jace's displeasure. But he was only six namedays, I will not have him flying off on his own that young. No matter how good his bond with Vermax is.

"Princess, Sunspear is yours," my good-father bowed, alongside the entourage he brought along.

"Thank you, father," I smiled, receiving a beaming smile, so similar to my husband and sons, that it had my heart melting.

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