IV Daemon

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King's Landing - 119 AC

"Dear niece, or should I call you, Your Majesty," I strutted into her chambers with a smirk.

"You've never done outside of political events, so why should you start now?" Rhaenyra smiled, standing up from her chair in front of her vanity mirror. "Good to have you back in King's Landing uncle," she hugged me. As I hugged her, I recalled that once upon a time I had wished to marry her. Maybe in another lifetime we would have, but in this one things were different. We were both happy with the lives we are leading. "How's Dirftmark?"

"Good, my wife is taking on her position as heir like a fish to the water," I joked. "But what worries me is you."

"Me?" Rhaenyra frowned, taking a step back. "Why are you worried about me?"

"News about you and your husband having separate chambers has reached Driftmark," I noted how her postured tensed and the frown became more pronounced. "Though, most say that it's the pressure and nerves of being a newly crowned monarch. However, I think it's something else. Did he cheat on you? Because if he did follow his dornish costumes and shamed you, he will fase my sword and Craxes!"

"Cheat? Ha! I wish!" Rhaenyra snorted, a broken sound that broke my heart. "Uncle... how can you manage it? Live with the knowledge."

I did not need her to word it, I just knew what she meant by it. The dark look in he reyes was all I needed to know. This was about Viserys. Even after a whole year she still holds it against us.

Why wouldn't she? We killed her father, a dark little voice, on the back of my mind, reminded me.

"Some days are better than others," I confessed. "I just have to think that the one I should mourn for, died when they put a crown on his head."

"He lied to me, you all did!" Rhaenyra seethed. "How can I trust any of you?! I've seen horrible things, been betrayed more times than I could count on... my dreams are plagued with what could have been." She sobbed, but stood tall glaring through her tears, like a true Targaryen. "I decided to trust him, to fall in love with him. When all my lessons taught me the opposite. Yet I still made the choice... maybe I shouldn't have."

"He loves you Rhaenyra," I shook my head. "He made a mistake by keeping this from you... we all did. But we wanted you guilt free from this horrible decision. A decision that had to be made. It is unfortunate, but you more than anyone saw where the realm was going before you took charge. Can you honestly tell me we made the wrong choice?"

"No," she sounded bitter as she admitted it.

"He just wanted to protect you, to give you what you deserved," I continued.

"No, you all just wanted to see me crowned for youself," she glared bitterly at me, making me flinch. "Mother wanted to pull one over my father, you wanted him to suffer for his trangressions against you, Rhaenys simply wanted to see a woman on the throne to spit at every lord that voted against her. Me? I was happy with how things were. I had no issue with leaving the crown to my son. I preffer it even! So, don't go around justifying what you've done by saying it was done for me and in my name!"

I looked at her stunned and speechless. When did my little niece grow up so much?

"You are right," I sighed, looking down in shame. "We did it for selfish reasons... and we burdened you with the crown because of it. I'm sorry."

"I don't think I can trust you, any of you," Rhaenyra sighed, the fight finally leaving her, as she slumped on her chair. "If I can't trust you, who should I trust in this pit of vipers?"

"We are sorry, truly," I begged, not knowing what else to say.

"I know uncle, I know," Rhaenyra sighed. "I just need time."

I took the clear dismiss and left her chambers in a somber mood. I kept my head down and did my work as the Lord Commander of the City Watch. I lead my men and kept the order in my niece's city. Meanwhile, I sulked and brooded about all my regrets.

A couple of moons later, any rumors about Rhaenyra and Qoren martial troubles left with the news of my niece's fourth pregnancy were delivered to a very relieved court. However, I could see that things were still tense between them. A post fight, angry-sex sesión, was most likely the reason of this new blessing from the Gods.

Still, I thanked all fourteen of them for my new nephew. Little by little, I could see my niece coming out from her shell and returning to her family. This child came as a blessing, reuniting us and aiding us heal.

She was still angry and hurt, it will take more than just a child to earn back her trust. But we will do all the work she requires from us to earn back her trust. Because she is worth it all.

Our queen.

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