The Future - Part V

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King's Landing - 297 AC

Rhaegar has always admired Queen Rhaenyra, like many Targaryen she had been his favourite ruler by far. Not only did she create the alliance between the Crown, Dorne, and the North, throwing us into an economic boom that paved the way to become the most advanced realm.

Not only, did she show her strength by conquering the Stepstones, his ancestral home, and crushing the Hightowers, Citadel, and iromborn. She also showed it by bravely changing the rules of the game and allowing anyone with the desire of knowledge to achieve it, with free health care and education.

She was a legend. The most beloved ruler of Westeros. Rhaegar will go as far as to say she is the most beloved ruler of the Targaryen Dinasty!
He could not imagine how hard it must have been back then, when everyone wanted a male on the Iron Throne. Yet, she stood tall and proved them all wrong. He could not imagine a realm where only males inherited seats, Dorne has had more Ruling Princesses than Princes, the Vale has been lead by women so many times in history, and even the Stepstones and Driftmark has seen their share of ruling Princesses and ladies.

So, he put her as a role model to follow, when he unexpectedly took the throne. Everyone knows that her son was King Viserys I Targaryen's heir. But when the king died suddenly by a sickness, her son was too young and she had to take the throne herself.

Had she been scared like him? Had she mourned the previous king like he did? Was she unsure of what decisions to make like him? Keeping those questions in mind and having Lyanna, the light of his life, kept Rhaegar sane.

But no matter, how much he wondered what she would have done on his place, or how hard Lyanna held his hand under the table, there was nothing keeping him sane in this situation.

This was Westeros' greatest scandal!

He was just so happy that all of his children were already off age and married. He did not wish to know what could have happened if they had gotten involved with this mess! Bad as is it is that the Martells got dragged into it!
Rhaegar looked around the Small Counsil chambers. No one wanted to be there, not even Varys or Ollena Tyrell!

The Small Counsil members were:

Hand of the King: Ollena Tyrell

Master of Coins: Tywin Lannister

Master of Whispers: Varys

Master of Laws: Stannis Baratheon

Master of Ships: Monford Velaryon

Lord Commander of the Kingsguard: Barristan Selmy

Lord Commander of the City Watch: Oberyn Martell

Grand Healer: Melisandre of Asshai

The king and queen were in the meeting, like always, but this time around the focus was on Stannis and Tywin, and to a certain degree Oberyn.

"Ok, that's enough!" Lyanna finally said, getting fed up with the whole situation. "Let's get this started with! Lord Baratheon, Lady Tyrell, congratulations on the wedding between Lord Renly and Lord Loras. It is especially touching that House Tyrell allowed it and Lord Loras convertion to the Fourteen Flames of Old Valyra, taking into account their House's religion."

"All we want is for my grandson's happiness," Ollena replied, rapidly collecting herself- there's a reason they made it this far.

"They are to take the position as castellans of Storm's End, isn't that right?" Rhaegar quickly followed his wife's lead.

"That is right," Stannis answered this time. "My younger brother and his spouce will take that position..." he lead on, before turning to Tywin and back to the royal couple. "My daughter Shireen, will be fostering with them, to learn more about her future household."

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