I Aemma

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King's Landing – 111 AC

"Muña! Kepa!" I was startled awake by the shout of my precious daughter. I gasped when I saw the distraught expression on her face, tears running down her face and hair all over the place. "Muña!" She threw herself into my arms, face on my chest, as she cuddled in my bed. I looked at my husband, sleeping next to me, stunned. My surprise quickly turned to worry as Rhaenyra began to sob. Heartbreaking sobs. My normally sweet and calm husband, looked like a dragon ready to burn down whoever has harmed our daughter. "Please I can't lose you muña! Don't die!"

Our anger was quickly turned into confusion at her pleading words. "Shh. My sweet princess, calm down. Shh." I gently caressed her hair, as I let her cry herself out on my chest. "I am not going anywhere, I am not dying."

"But you will," she sniffed, much calmer now. "If you keep trying to have an heir you will die." The certainty of her words sent a shiver down my spine. "I saw it. I dreamt it. You will die in 112 AC, kepa will have the Grand Maester cut you open to try and save my brother, Baelon... but he will die only a couple of hours after you." My eyes widened in horror at my sweet girl's words. I turned to my husband in betreyal, but all my anger left when I saw his pale face. None of this has happened, this was just a dream. "So, allow me to take you place!" Rhaenyra finally lifted her face from my bossom and looked at me with more determination that a four and ten years girl should have. My heart borke at her words. Have we really failed her so much? What kind of example have we set that she thinks she needs to marry and bear an heir so young for my sake? Oh, my sweet girl, I am so sorry. "I've seen it! I will have five boys and a girl, I will bring Dorne into the fold through my marriage!"

"Your marriage my sweet princess?" I glared at Viserys, who had spoken those words with hope and greed. "What have you seen?"

"I saw me marrying Qoren Martell and birthing a male heir by 112 AC," my daughter's face brightened up, smiling with a joy only mothers could understand. "Our first three boys will take after their father, but all of their eggs will hatch in the crib from a clutch that Syrax will lay in a few moons. They will be five eggs, the other two will go to Uncle Daemon's twin girls. They'll marry my boys."

"I will be an uncle?!" My husband looked delighted, as I stared at them in disbelief. Was he truly believing the words of my daughter? Have they both lost their minds? "What about your other children? Will they be dragonriders too?"

"Yes, they will take after our Valyrian heritage," Rhaenyra smiled with a softness only a mother could achieve. Maybe she truly knows what she is speeking about. "However, they will claim their dragons, not hatch them."

"Sweetheart, can you tell us how can we achieve this?" I asked her gently, taking a leap of faith. "Dorne has never been easy when it comes to accepting their place in our kingdom."

"We need to allow them to keep their title of Prince or Princess of Dorne," she informed us, seriously. "My son will be thr future ruler of Dorne, the ruling family will have Valyrian blood running through their veins and a dragonrider prince. We can allow them to keep that title, especially since it will be truth. They will need assurance that a prince with Martell blood will take the Iron Throne. With their blood also ruling the Vale, there should be no issue. Other than some taxes and trade stipulations, they should be glad to join us. Their terriotory will be open to trade with more regions and their economy will grow. That is as long as we respect their costumes and religion."

"We can do that," Viserys had this huge grin on his face, one that unsettled me.

My mind was still relling with the fact that our daughter has somehow dreamt the future and in it my husband's desire for a male heir trumpted over our love for each other. Then I realized something...

"Martell blood ruling the Vale? What happened with the Arryns?!" I turned to my daughter in fear.

"Nothing mother, I am an Arryn too and so will my children," Rhaenyra tilted her head innocently. Too innocent to be wedded off and become a mother. "My cousin has... specific preferences," I winced at her commnet. It is no secret that the Lady of the Vale has no interest in men, but for my daughter to know that is quite surprising... unless, she had also dreamt that. I am starting to see why Viserys was so ready to believe her. "Jacaerys will be the future king, he will wed a Velaryon bride, finally putting the dispute between our families to rest," I smiled at that. I could hear Viserys sighing, surely feeling as relieved as me on this matter. "Lucerys will marry the heiress of the Velaryon House and become the Lord Consort of Driftmark." My eyes widened at that. No male heir for the Velaryon, but was not that surprised either. Leanor's preferences were like my cousin and Rhaenys and Crolys never really cared much about male heirs. At least, Rhaenys doesn't and her husband follows her lead. With a prince as her consort, no one would fight them on that. Especially, since various small houses have allowed a woman to lead them when there's no other choice. "Joffrey will be the Prince of Dorne. Aegon will marry his sister Visenya, Lady of the Vale, and become her Lord Consort. My cousin will want a female heir just to prove a point to all those stuffy Vale Lords."

"What about your fifth son?" Viserys asked her curiously.

"I see him as a lord of state, a branch house all of his own," she answered dreamily, with a faraway look in her eyes. "I do not know where yet... but I see a war coming. Many islands and a Sea Snake coming with a warning. I will be there with Syrax and will claim those lands for my son."

"A war?" I muttered shocked, turning to look at my husband who has lost all his color again. "We better heed the Sea Snake when he comes," I whispered to my husband.

"We better start putting coin aside for the war and start training more men," my husband whispered back. "But for now, I have a letter to writte to Dorne."

I frowned at him. He had not even thought of consulting it with me. I had once thought we were equals on this marriage, partners... but it seems that I had been wrong. It was never the pressure of others to make a male heir, it has always been his desire to have a male heir ascend. It was only now that our daughter seems to be a dreamer that she is enough. It is only because our daughter has seen her son on the throne that his grandson is enough of an heir from his bloodline. It was only because my daughter saw me being cut open, by his orders, that enough is enough. Even then, he does not seem to care about the distress we have caused our daughter. So much distress that she had to come to us running in fear and selling herself to Dorne to stop it. She who had never wanted to be a mother or wife to start with.

There's no talking sense to him anymore, there has never been to begin with. I can see this clearly now.  

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