II Alicent

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Old Town - 123 AC

I looked around my hometown in sadness. The tal white tower that gave my family it's name was in pieces, burn marks everywhere. The Citadel, which has stood centuries, was a wreckage, only half of it standing. The city itself was safe and the commonfolk unhurt, not that I had expected anything less from Nyra. Our queen is a gentle and kind woman... even if sometimes stupid men bring out the dragon in her.

"How are you holding out?" Elmo asked me gently, sitting next to me in the carriage.

"As good as expected," I replied with a tired smiled. "I am glad we cut ties with them all those years ago."

"So, do I," Elmo snorted. "Not that we would ever raise a sword against a Targaryen, they were the ones to give us Riverrun and the seat as a Great House to begin with. Still, it was smart to keep our distance."

"It was... I just wish things had gone differently," I sighed. "Why were they so greedy? Why could they not be satisfied with what they had? Compared to most Small Houses, we were incredibly well-off. Compared to the commonfolk, we lived like royalty. Yet they wanted more..."

"Greed, power, people get addicted to them," Elmo answered with a sigh. "The Hightowers and Old Town were the center of the realm, until the Targaryens came. The Citadel the center of knowledge, until Queen Rhaenyra decided to allow everyone to have Access. Unfortunately, people hold onto grudges and do not let them go."

"It rottens you from within," I seethed. "Blackens your soul and twists your heart. They preach about being pious and followers of the Seven, but they are... were hypocrites."

"But you are not like that, which is why you thrived while they fell," Elmo reassured me. The carriage finally came to a stop. "Let's get going, we can't keep the queen waiting any longer."

"Of course, husband," I smiled and followed him through the camp that has been set up for the meantime. The tower being too unstable. "Your Majesty," I bowed as I was allowed inside the royal tent. My husband had to stay outside, as the queen wanted to meet with me alone.

"How many times do I need to say that when it's only the two of us, we are Ali and Nyra," she smiled at me, with a tired but satisfied tint. "I'm sorry for how things had to end."

"What are you apologizing for?" I asked her incredously. "I should be the one begging for forgiveness. What they did... I am speechless. Beyond words, appaled by al lof it. I am so sorry!"

"You were not involved," Nyra took my hands into hers, reassuring him. I held tight into them, letting out a sob of relief, knowing that my horrible family did not take this away from me. That I still had my best friend. "We do not get to choose who is family, but we can raise above it. Which you did!"

"I am grateful to have your confidence and trust," I lowered my head, feeling awed by her words.

"Now chin up! I have a special duty for you!" She commanded, cheerfuly.

"Whatever you need, I am at your service," I replied at once, believing every single word.

"The Hightower House has come to an end, but Old Town will live on," she announced. I felt a pang in my heart, but realized that there was no other way. My house name will die with me. "You know the place and it's people more than anyone left alive, as such I would like to leave you in charge of it's reconstruction." My eyes widened at the task she had place in my hands, at the confidence she must have in me to entrust it to me. "I know that as a futuure Lady Paramount you are busy, but your husband has not taken the title from his grandfather yet. You could both see this as a practice round, for when you take on the Riverlands and Riverrun." Her smile turned sly, just as when we were kids and she was planning mischief. "After all, this will be the future seat of little Oscar."

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