The Future - Part IV

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King's Landing – 295 AC

Rhaenys, Aegon, and Daenerys, were racing on their dragons in the air. Syrax, Grey Ghost, and Seasmoke going neck to neck. Meanwhile, Jon was tending to Arrax and his direwolf, Ghost, in the dragonpit.

When the princesses and princes claimed their dragons, the whole realm was declaring how this was all a sign of the Gods. First, Rhaenys claiming the Golden Queen, mount of the First Queen of Westeros, which has remained without rider since. Then Aegon, who claimed the scapist Grey Ghost, who has only ever been mounted three times before, all of them by heirs of the Stepstones. Then Daenerys claimes Seasmoke, a dragon that only Velaryons with Targaryen blood have ever claimed, and finally Jonothor claiming Arrax, the mount of the fabled Lucerys Targaryen-Martell, the second prince who stepped back and lived a hhappy life supporting his wife and Lady of Driftmark.

"I won!" Rhaenys cheered, once they were back in the Red Keep and rushing down the halls.

"You are a big cheater!" Aegon growled, but he was also laughing.

All four of them were, at least, until they saw their parent's unamused expressions. The scolding they got... of course, Jon was saved from it. Who could ever get angry with sweet, lovable Jon? Everyone that gets to know him, loves him.

His siblings and aunt envied that gift of his, but then again when meeting his northern black curls and puppy-purple eyes, who could ever feel negatively against him?

"Next time you want to race, don't do it over the city," Rhaegar continued to grumble, even as they were having dinner in the royal apartment. "You gave the commonfolk a heart attack!"

"Ok, darling, I think they got it," Lyanna giggled.

"Oh, well, into important things now," Rhaegar sighed. "Your cousins up north have been getting betrothed lately," he informed them, surprising them.

"They did?" Jon inquired surprised. "I don't see neither Arya or Rickon being interested on any of that."

"Well, they are not," Lyanna laughed, agreeing with her son- those two had the blood of the Wolf running Deep through their veins. "But my brothers decided that it was time to make betrothal contracts to stablish alliances in the north. With Ned and I marrying south, and Ben taken on the White Cloak, only Brandon married a northern... our bannermen are not happy."

"Which is why, Brandon betrothed his kids to influential families," Rhaegar sighed. "Robb, as his heir, is betrothed to Alys Karstark, Sansa to Domeric Bolton, and Rickon, future Lord of Sea Dragon Point, to Lyanna Mormont."

Maybe once upon a time Bear Island was an unfertile and poor land, but with the take of the Iron Islands and the opening of trade through the waters on the west, the land bloomed and so did House Mormont. It became one of the richest lands on the North, earning their coin through trade like House Manderly on the east.

"Ned betrothed his son and heir Bran, to Meera Reed, daughter of our good friend Howland Reed," Lyanna smiled, recalling their weird but loyal friend. "As for Arya, she is going to Dorne. It's been a while since a northern married into Dorne, normally is the other way around, a dornish marries into the North. She is betrothed to Quentyn Martell."

"Our cousin?!" The kids exclaimed at the same time.

"Yes, your cousin," Rhaegar laughed at their surprised expressions. "With Viserys and Arianne already married, we thought it was time to talk to you Aegon," he turned to his startled son. Who pointed at himself dumbly. "Yes, you," Rhaegar chuckled. As much as they give him a headache, he loves his children and they bring him so much joy. "You are already three and ten namedays, your bride and future Princess of the Narrow Seas should be elected. Lyanna does not want to have any more kids, so it won't be a Valyrian bride."

"Sorry, Egg, you five are enough," Lyana chuckled.

"It's ok mama," Aegon smiled at her. "I do not mind not having a Valyrian bride," he assured his father. "Who were you thinking about?"

"Well, that's quite the mature reaction," Rhaegar said impressed. "I was thinking of Margaery Tyrell..."

"The Rose of Highgarden?!" Aegon exclaimed excitedly. "She is said to be the most beautiful lady of the realm! Yes!"

"Well, that was easy," Lyanna burst out laughing alongside her children, while Rhaegar stared at his son shocked, before shaking his head in disbelief. "Boys can be so simple at times."

"At least now, the Queen of Thornes and the Tyrells will leave us in peace," Rhaegar sighed under his breath, but smiled at his son's happiness.

He might be the King of Westeros, but he had kept the mentality that every Targaryen has since the reign of Queen Rhaenyra. Which is, that before power and wealth, we are dragons, and what do dragons seek? Family. We put our family first and we keep them safe and happy.

Especially, since an unhappy dragon is not good for anyone. Rhaegar knew that better than anyone. He had to grow up with it.

Rhaegar's poor mother had to suffer under his father's wrath. She now lived as the Queen Mother of the Realm, happy and enjoying watching her children and grandchildren grow. But it had not always been like this.

His father was one of the few dragons since the Dragon Queen's reign that has been forced to marry against his will. He was not happy... and he made sure that everyone knew it. Rhaegar having forced to watch and being unable to do a thing, he made a promise.

Never again.

And he was going to keep it, even at the cost of his own life. Otherwise, he cannot call himself a dragon.

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