III Borros

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King's Landing – 130 AC

"So, we agree to betroth Cassandra to Joffrey Arryrn, Ellyn to Oscar Tully, and Floris to Thaddeus Rowan," Elenda repeated for confirmation.

"Yes, they will all be heirs to their own houses, with the exeption of Joffrey Arrryn," I replied. "But then again, Joffrey is an Arryn. Oscar might not be the Tully heir, but he will get Old Town. Also, having two sisters marry good friends like Prince Joffrey and Oscar will be good for them."

"Yes, it will," Elenda smiled at me warmly.

Our marriage have been better since I've learned my lesson and stopped looking down on women. When I told her that I did not need a son and I was more than happy to leave Storm's End to Cassandra, she cried in relief. I had never stopped to think about how much pressure I've put her under, or how scared she must have been with ever single pregnancy. Women died on the childbirth. When Royce came to us last year, he had been a surprise, but one we welcomed with open arms.

With all of my children's future's settled, I could continue with my duties as Head of the Baratheon House with no worry.

Or at least, that's what I thought, until Maris came into our apartment in the Red Keep crying, Cassandra close behind her. We were in King's Landing for the wedding between Prince Jacaerys and Princess Rhaena, and stayed for a moon longer to finalize the betrothal contracts of our girls and for somee business.

"Maris!" Cassandra called out for her sister in worry, but she had already slammed the door of her chambers close. "Ah," she sighed sadly.

"Sweetheart, what happened?" Elenda asked worriedly, I stayed quiet following my wife's lead as she was better at this.

"We overheard some young lords saying that Prince Joffrey lucked out by getting the ugliest Baratheon sister," Cassandra informed me, much to my rage.

"I want names!" I growled. "I will show them not to mess with a Baratheon! Especially with my daughters!"

"We'll have to deal with this tomorrow," Eledna said, looking as bothered as I was. "We have dinner with the Queen and King Consort," she reminded me, before turning to our oldest daughter. "Please be there for your sister, we will handle everything else."

Cassandra bowed, before following her sister.
"How dare they?!" I growled. "My daughter is one of the greatest beauties in the realm! How dare they insult her? Insult our house like this!"
"Jealousy, my dear," Eledna put her hand on my shoulder in support. "She is a lady of a Great House and will one day become a princess," she smiled in pride of our little girl. "Those boys won't amount to nothing more than Lords of Small Houses, if they are even heirs to begin with. They cannot insult the prince without facing dragon fire, so..."
"The picked on our daughter, believing her to be the easiest target," I growled. "Well, they'll see why it is not wise to anger a Baratheon. Ours is the Fury is not there just for simple decoration!"
"But for now, we need to get ready," Eledna reminded me again.
Still angry, but knowing one could not just not assist to a dinner with the Queen and King Consort, I went to change and escorted my wife towards the royal apartments. There we had a delicious dinner and a pleasant conversation with the royal couple.
"May I ask why you look ready to go on a war path?" The queen suddenly asked, after dessert was served.
"Nothing escapes you, does it?" I replied with a chuckle. "Some brats decided to insult my daughter Maris."
"Maris?" The king repeated surprised. "Why would they be so stupid? That will only bring the wrath of House Baratheon, House Martell, and the royal family upon them!"
"Stupidity can't be cured, my dear," the queen replied drily. "What did they say?"
"They called her the ugliest Baratheon sister and how Prince Joffrey lucked out with his future wife," Eledna informed them, clenching her fists on her lap.
"Ha! Those idiots just got themselves a death sentence!" The king laughed in disbelief.
"Did you know that my Joffrey had many doubts about taking the Martell princeship?" The queen informed us.
"I wouldn't be surprised," I replied. "Dorne has always been known for being independant and quite combative about outsiders... especially Targaryen."
"However, all of those doubts stopped when you brought Maris for the wedding and the two of them started spending time together," the queen continued. "Do you know what he told me when I asked him the reason of his change?" We shook our heads, as the queen smiled. "Muña, why should I be worried when Maris is so smart? She knows so much! She'll help me whenever I need it and I'll burn down everyone that gets in oyr way!" My eyes widened in surpised, while my wife's eyes teared up. We both puffed our chests in pride at our little girls, so smart and beautiful. "Talk with the parents, badmouthing the Targaryen family is a crime after all. However, leave the boys for Joffrey... he'll deal with them."

Before we could reply, the royal nursemaid came in with baby princess Visenya. It seems like she was being fussy and wanted his mother, or muña like the Targaryens preffer. She was beautiful, with her silver hair and amethyst eyes. A carbon copy of his mother and the future heartbreaker of the realm. I would not be surprised if she earns her mother's nickname as the future Realm's Delight.

I knew that many families were discussing trying out for one of the youngest three, as they were the only ones without a betrothal contract. Though, I was sure that the princess will be out of reach, as well as one of the princes. I'm sure that the queen would want to keep her family traditions, now that she has a daughter.

Bowing goodbye, we returned to our chambers and went to sleep. Only to be wokenn up by a commotion in the halls. We exchanged confused looks and rapidly got dressed, following the noises coming from outside.

Once we reached the training yard, we found a scene that brought a smile to my face. There stood my daughter, with tears filled with love and gratefulness, as three boys knelt in front of her apologizing. The boys were bruised and bleeding, and beehind them stood a very satisfied Prince Joffrey Targaryen with a sword in his hand.

I threw my head back and burst out laughing. The queen was right, like always, I'll deal with the parents, now that the prince has dealt with the boys.

As I turned around to do that, I left feeling much lighter. After all, I am sure now that my daughter will be taken good care of. Now, I only need to make sure the other three do the same. No one will disrespect any of my girls.

Otherwise, they'll face the Fury of House Baratheon.

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