I Otto

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King's Landing – 112 AC

I growled as I slammed the door of my bedchambers. Nothing has gone my way this year! The king refused to have more children, leaving the duty of producing an heir to that spoiled brat of his. How am I supposed to have that infertil wrench killed if not by childbirth?! Even if I do kill her, how is my daughter suppose to become queen if the king insists that his heirs will be the children of his daughter and that whore she has of a dornish husband?! The lords won't support the king taking another wife and pushing the realm into another dispute for the crown, not when Dorne finally joined us with the stipulation that Martell blood has to sit on the throne! Not to mention, that bitch has the Vale and the Velaryons backing her as well.

Let's not start with the people, who are calling her the second coming of Queen Alysanne The Good! Fools! All of them! She is an heretic with queer costumes, have they not seen what she did to the Faith? What she inspired other lords to do as well? No longer is the Faith receiving donations that are not the bare minimun, the Ladies of the various houses have been encouraged by the whore princess to use that money to open their own orphanages, soup kicthens, and schools. Foolish women that do not deserve to be put to work other than to give pleasure to men and give us children. That's why they are weak! Why educate the commoners? Has everyone lost their mind?

This has only worked to spread the word of the princess' actions and have ballads praising her and her beauty around the whole realm.

The only thing I could pray on was that she had inherited her useless mother's problems. But that did not bore any fruit either. In only two months she had gotten pregnant and her pregnancy was as easy as they come. The court has been talking her up as if she had been blessed by the Gods themselves! The worst is that Mellos could not get any closer to try and... aid the process.

That idot of a puppet king has been delighted with those Essos whores that call themselves healers. His daughter had gotten pregnant in two moons and her pregancy has been so smooth, no one could utter a bad word about them without being sent out of court.

My useless daughter was the only one of my pawns close enough to her, but even she failed. When once upon of a time she had the most looked after position as the only Lady in Waiting of the Princess. She now is only part of her ladies court, with her queer cousin at the helm and filled with dornish whores. They can call themselves ladies of the great houses of Dorne, but everyone knows that none of them are maidens. Whores is what they are.

"Father, the feast will start soon," my sniveling daughter approached me in her green dress.

I looked at her with disdain, scoffing when she flinched. How someone as pathetic as her could have been born from me? Why could she had not been more like her brother? Then again she is a woman, she will never be able to be as good as men.

I grabbed my coat and made my way towards the banquet hall. Today marked the end of the tourney to celebrate the wedding of the king's warmonger brother and the desperate Velaryan's daughter. Once again, neither of them decided to be wedded under the Light of the Seven, condeming their souls and their children's souls. They wedded in their queer costume in Dragonstone and then returned to King's Landing for the festivities. Once more, the king did not hold back and spent ammounts of money no other lord could in a single week. This should have been the festivities my daughter should have as the future queen. Not these degenerates!

"Otto! Come!" The fool of Viserys greeted me beaming, clapping the back of his brother, who looked more uncomfortable than happy. That's another thing I've noticed, when once Daemon was like a pathetic dog looking for any scrap of affection from his brother, he is now almost apathetic to him. There's no doubt that the Targaryen were united, but it was clear they were not united behind the king. "Hasn't it been a wonderful celebration?"

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