V Daemon

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King's Landing – 130 AC

I laughed and drank, as I celebrated tonight. Why was I celebrating? Well, it is my daughter's wedding reception after all!

At first, I had been worried. I had seen how Jace had buckled under the pressure of being an heir and no matter how much my niece assured us that it willl be all right, watching my sweet Rhaena be neglected and hunch down under the stress, it had me ready to burn everything down.

Then one day Jace had brought Rhaena to a Small Counsil meeting and announced that she was his partner. Corlys was all over the moon, puffing his chest like a peacock and gloating to anyone who could hear about how his granddaughter saved the Tessarion Academy Project. Even though, it was a small problem. Not that I was any better!

At the end, my niece was right and those two fixed their issues. They arranged their wedding without any issues and even went as far as to take more responsabilities when Visenya was born. This time, however, they did it together... and they did it expectacurly.

The wedding went without a hitch and the reception was still going strong. Another thing I was grateful for, was that Jace was a good man and did not humiliate my daughter with the abhorrent bedding ceremony. Something I will need to discuss with my niece on the next Small Counsil meeting. That practice needs to be abolish.

As I turned to the dance floor, my smile widdened. Sweet Luke had taken my wild daughter out of her seat and into the dance floor. I laughed as I saw her blush at being treated like a lady. Luke had always been good at that. While, other stupid boys thought that simply because she preffers trousers and praticed swordfighting, it meant that she did not want to be treated like woman. Luke never failed to surprise us all. Always sweet and considerate, bringing Baela roses and taking her flying for dates.

"We did good," my wife whispered into my ear, as she always watched our daughter dance.

"That we did," I agreed, as fond as her.

"I'm just glad Leanor and Big Joffrey managed to drag themselves away from the Narrow Ghost," Laena laughed. "Those two are incorrigible!"

The Narrow Ghost was the castle-state of House Targaryen in the Stepstones. The construction of the place and the surrounding city has been finally finished. It was named by my grandnephew Viserys when he assisted to its grand opening. The same day he had claimed his dragon, the slippering Grey Ghost of all dragons! I was so proud of him!

It did get many lords and ladies calling it a sign that he was meant to rule the Narrow Seas, as the Grey Ghost normally stays in that area, as the wild dragon he was. Maybe it was, maybe it was not, but we celebrated it like the Targaryen we are! The same way we did when Aegon had claimed Vermithor! Gods, when we saw little Egg ridding the Bronze Fury... I think Qoren almost fainted. But I simply threw my head back and burst out laughing like a mad man. My niece and her children are just so amusing.

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