I Joffrey

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King's Landing – 117 AC

"So, you've decided to convert to the Fourteen Flames of Old Valyra... that's quite brave of you," Princess Rhaenyra commented, with a proud smile.

"You've made huge changes in how Westeros is run. The Faith used to be the main religion, or at least that's what they wanted us to believe, and had control of much. While the Citadel used to control how the realm ran, all education was done through them. They are losing power fast and I am enjoying watching that happen." Lady Jeyne chuckled. "Most of the lords and ladies in the Vale now follow the Old Gods. The sense of honour and justice of that religion, echoed with the philosophy of the Vale quite well. Only a 30% of the population under me continue to follow the Light of the Seven." Lady Jeyne shrugged. "Why would I continue to follow a religion that condems who I love and won't aid me to keep my positon as Lady of the Vale. I took a page out of Borros' book and decided to pledge my alliances to my distant family."

"Why our Gods and not the Old Gods? That would have served for a better political move and still allow you to be with Jessamyn," Princess Rhaenyra asked.

"Because my heirs will be of the Targearyen dinasty," Lady Jeyne replied, taking a sip from her tea. "I'm already asking them to change their names and move faraway from home, the least I could do is allow them to continue to follow their gods."

"Cousin," Princess Rhaenyra murmured, clearly touched. "Thank you!"

"Don't mention it, when cousin Aemma sent me a letter solving all of my problems and you put the Faith on their place, you made my life not only easier but the happiest I've ever felt in my life," Lady Jeyne smiled. "That's what family is. Now!" She turned to me with excitement, making me tense under the scrutiny. I was behind the princess, guarding her in Ser Harwin's position, as he was getting ready to participate in the tourney. "How's married life?"

"Incredible..." I admitted with a sigh. "I never thought I could be this happy and free. For a while, I was worried about the reaction of others, even with the boom in the other relegions. Leanor and I kind of hid in the Stepstones, traveling to Dorne and Essos." I chuckled. "But Leanor sat me down and confronted me, we could not keep on running. While many sneer and stare at us in judgement, most of them do not care and some even congratulate us." I smiled at her, empathizing the expression full of hope in her face. "Converting will be the best decision you've ever made, it sure was mine. It was honestly, quite the shock. I was expecting more a backlash from the lords and ladies followers of the Light of the Seven."

"Good," Lady Jeyne smiled. "I can tell you why is that. The Faith might bow to the Targaryens, but they do not do that willingly. The lords and ladies can clearly see the greed and corruption of the septons. It has not passed unnoticed by even the people. Especially, not when the High Septon parrades around in jewels and gold accessories. Many lords and ladies think the Faith overreaches in their power. Most lords and ladies are honestly quite laid back when it comes to that religions, they mostly use it for appearances and power. They believe in the Faith but don't begrudge people their own beliefs." Lady Jeyne snorted. "Unlike the other three main religions in Westeros, the Seven had not given any of us any reason to be loyal to them. There's also the fact that they appreciate what the Princess and Prince have done for the people, as well. The benefits to their lands and the money in taxes they've brought in, has them shrugging at whatever the royal family does... as long as good outcomes keep on coming their way." She snorted derisively. "Things are going to be changing, they see that and are joining the winning side. Also, having Westeros be a more accepting realm will be of great benefit to them."

"Then, why no one did it before?" I asked them confused, borderline desperate. I could have grown in a better realm... why has no one done anything before?

"Because of fear," the princess sighed sadly. "No one was brave enough to say how things really are and how they should be. Tell me, before I called out the High Septon, what did you know about religions of the 7 Kingdoms?"

"That the Seven is the predominant one... the north is full of tree worshiper savages," I winced at my words, but that's how they were described. "The Gods of Old Valyra were a mystery as Mother Rhoyne ."

"Dorne isolated themselves and the North has enough issues with their winters to join southern politics. The Seven took advantage of that and spread vicious rumours." Rhaenyra explained. "As for us, we kept our religions a secret because we thought that others without valyrian blood should not join us. That was a mistake, like allowing the Seven to convince us to lie and act as if we followed their religion." The princess frowned. "I spread the information around. How Mother Rhoyne accepts everyone in her arms and is the champion of passion. How the Old Gods champion justice and honour. How Old Valyria was filled with warriors and taught the freedom of the sky. With the septons and septas corruption, it did not take time before they started losing traction."

"I think I get it now," I frowned. "And I do not like it."

"No one does!" Lady Jeyne laughed. "Let's be done with this tragic conversation, could you bring my nephews? I would love to spend more time with them. With how busy the Vale keeps me, I've only been able to get to know them during the royal progression."

"That's a great idea!" Princess Rhaenyra cheered. "Joffrey, go and get them."

"I need to stay here to protect you, princess," I protested.

"I have guards stationed outside the tent," Princess Rhaenyra sighed, rubbing her pregnant belly. "I am pregnant, not disable. Go! Shu!"

"Ok," I laughed, doing I was ordered. "Keep a better look in the surroundings, I will be bringing the princes." I warned the guards. With that said, I headed towards the Velaryon tent, where the princes where visiting their future good-family... my family. "Good morn everyone."

"Joff," Leanor smiled, coming to kiss me with a warm smile. I blushed when I noticed how soft the Velaryons went, watching us warmly. "What bring you here? Shouldn't you be guarding my cousin?"

"The princess has requested I bring her sons to spend some time with Lady Jeyne Arryn," I informed them.

"Muña?!" Jace and Luke perked up at that, though Luke stumbled with the muña, showing his younger age towards Jace.

"Yes, your muña is excited to spend time with her and her cousin from the Vale," I smiled at them. They cheered and rushed towards me. "I will be taking them," I nodded to my good-family and spouce, before guiding them out of the tent and towards the royal tent. "Your Highness, the princes are here."

"Let them in!" The cheerful voice of the princess came from withing the tent. I smiled and guided the princes inside. Quick as the wind, Prince Jacaerys rushed towards his mother's side, Prince Lucerys followed in a more sedate and careful pace. "Here they are! My precious princes!" The princess kissed their foreheads, making them giggle.

"How's our little brother?" Jace asked her excitedly, putting his hands on the princess' pregnant belly.

"How much longer do we have to wait?" Luke pouted, folling his brother's lead.

"Just two more months," Princess Rhaenyra chuckled. "Now, show the manners I've taught you and greet Lady Jeyne Arryn. She is family after all."

I stopped following the conversation when I noticed that there was a maid inside the tent. It seems that the two of them had stopped talking about politics and had allowed servants inside to tend to them. However, what caught my eye about this maid, was how she moved. Scarily silent, no sound leaving her footsteps. I slowly creeped closer, just intime to see it.

My eyes widened in shock, as I shouted: "Princess!" 

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