II Borros

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Pyke - 123 AC

I felt a rush of pride watching our Queen and King Consort stand side by side, wearing Blackfyre and Dark Sister, respectively, on their belts. Taking their duty seriously, leading their people into war. Not like the coward of the previous king, who had his brother battle in wars and dismissed him when he was no needed. Proving that he held no loyalty or quality as king.

I had made the smart decision, trusting them to lead us into a golden path to a grand future. I thought, pleased. But it seems that not all of us have made the right choice.

I looked with disgust at the sniveling mess that were the Greyjoys and the lords left in the isles.

The plan was to attack the ironborn, who were the most dangerous, with their free reign in the seas. Taking them down first would stop them from raping and raiding up and down the coast. Meanwhile, Old Town could not leave without facing the wrath of the combined armies of the Reach.

What we found when we got to the Iron Islands, truly disgusted me. I was appalled and speechless. Salt wives by the dozen, even little girls that have not even flowered were kept in kennels, treated like dogs and raped for sport.

The commonfolk here... I've never seen people so depressed and bitter like this before. I've seen poverty, the slums of King's Landing were the perfect example. But with the queen's aid, those kinds of situations have lessened all around the real... though, it seems that not here.

"Fire and Blood, that will be there sentence," Queen Rhaenyra declared, face expressionless. "Dracarys!"

I smiled, watching impassively as Syrax burned all the lords of the Iron Islands alive. Why did I ever doubt that she would ever be too weak to rule? She was a true dragon. Our Dragon Queen!

"Luckily there were no children among them... at least, not trueborn," a heard a soldier whisper, as the flames roared. "But what will happen to the islands now? Who will rule them?"

"Will House Targaryen claim them like they did with the Stepstone?" Another soldier whispered.

"It would not be that surprising, they did conquer them," a third soldier replied. "It was their dragons that took care of half their army, wiping their navy away."

"Silence!" I barked, startling them all. "Show some respect! The Queen and King Consort are in front of you!"

They've all kept quiet after that. Even as we made our way towards the Pyke. In the central hall, there was a throne, one that made me scoff. What do these squids think themselves to be? The only royalty Westeros as a whole has ever accepted, was the Targaryen! Salt Kings be dammed!

I smirked as our queen sat on the throne and observed her army impassively. He husband standing by her right and Prince Daemon on the left. The Lord Commander of the Queensguard was down the steps, standing guard in case anyone thought themselves to be smart.

"Half of each house's coffers will be spent on the people of these isles," she announced, tone even but resounding through the walls of the hall. "Orphanages, soup kitchens, healing centers, learning centers, whatever they need. The situation in these isles is quite appaling honestly." She had a look of pure disgust on her face. "The other half will be kept for the new lords and ladies of the isles! Isles that now belong to the Crownlands!" Her announcement caught us all by surprise. Ladies? "Lord Tyland Lannister, take a step forward!" I could hear a small commotion from the Westerlands army. They've not had a lot to do with the new royal couple and were not expecting it. Still, Tyland proved to be smarter than his brother and took a step forward, keeping his cool and knelt down. "Welcome home Lord of the Pyke! This island is yours!" Her announcement got the Westerlands soldiers cheering and Tyland smiling in pleasure, not realizing they got played and now owe her family a debt. And Lannisters always pay their debts, don't they? "Lords Daeron and Daemion Velaryon, you will both get Blacktyde and SaltCliffe!" No surprise there, the Velaryon family is her strongest supporter. Not counting Dorne, that is. I could hear Vaemond Velaryon's cheering from all across the hall. With this she had sealed the loyalty of Vaemond, who has been making sound about giving Driftmark to a woman, when he had two sons. "Lord Rickon Stark, please take a step forward. Your nephews Brandon and Elric Stark will inherite Harlaw and Orkmont when they reach their come of age."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Lord Rickon bowed, voice showing his gratefulness, as the northen army cheered loud and proudly.

She has truly earned the North's loyalty, I whistled internally, quite impressed. Not an easy task. Then again, impressing me was no easy task either.

I was so immersed into my thought that I almost did not notice when my name was called out. Startled, I took a step foward as silence reigned in the hall. I had no sons to inherite, they all knew that... wait, she did say ladies...

"Lord Borros Baratheon, your daughters will inherite Great Wyk and Old Wyk," the queen announced to the shocked crowd. "Should you not have any male heir to inherite your ancestral family seat, Lady Cassandra Baratheon will remain your heir. As such Lady Maris Baratheon will inherite Great Wyk and Lady Floris Baratheon will inherite Old Wyk. Should a male heir be born, Great Wyk, as the largest island in the archipelago, will be divided into two between the Ladies Cassandra and Maris Baratheon."

Silence reinged in the hall, before my men started chanting and cheering for their Lord Paramount House. I locked eyes with the queen and realized what she was doing.

Dorne has already won a lot with her marriage, not only Martell blood will practically reign Westeros in all the most important houses. They got trade and taxes benefits, an amazing trade deal with the North, and to keep their princeship titles, even without the Targaryen last name.

Now she was doing the same with the other Great Houses of Dorne. The Tyrells and Arryns being the only ones not earning anything, as they do not have any spare heirs to inherite an island. She has us all eating from the palmo f her hand, turning these squid infested archipelago into the next Stepstones. Trade from these side of the 7 Kingdoms will go through here, now that the ironborn are gone, and we all know that.

Well played, Your Majesty, I bowed, thinking in amusement and pride. Well played indeed.

The Dragon QueenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon