II Rhaenys

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King's Landing – 116 AC

I smiled, both in relief and joy, at my daughter. She was beaming in pure happiness, holding the future queen of the realm, Rhaena Targaryen-Velaryon, in her arms. That beauty was quite a surprise today. Standing up, next to the bed, my cousin/good-son was holding my first grandchild, Baela Targaryen-Velaryon, the heiress of Driftmark. We all thought that she was the only one coming to the world today, until her younger twin decided to come out as well.

Twins! Who would have thought?

"We've been blessed, haven't we wife?" Crolys asked me gently, expression uncharacteristically soft as he looked at the newly parents. "It's almost a pity that they will be the only grandchildren we'll have."

"It is," I agreed with a sigh. "But you've heard the princess, if Laena gets pregnant again... she'll die." My husband shared the same pained expression at the simple thought of losing our precious daughter. "If that changes, she'll tell us. Otherwise, our granddaughters will grow up healthy and become the future queen of the realm and the firsts Lady of Driftmark. Our son has already set the groundrules, he has no desire to sire any child... not when Laena will bring two dragonriders to House Velaryon."

"I know," Crolys sighed. "Does not mean I like it... but I do love our son Rhaenys. Please understand that." He pleaded.

"I know you do husband," I assured him. "But I also know that even though you follow the Fourteen Flames of Old Valyria, you've been raised by the traditions of this realm and cannot accept our son's choice in spouce, even if by our religion it's allowed."

"Maybe in the past I wouldn't have," Crolys agreed. "Not because I could not accept them, but because I did not want my son to be persecuted and killed just for who he loved. But now that the Light of the Seven is declining and there's been a rise on all the other religions, all of who accept and allow same gender marriage, with House Baratheon being the first paramour house to convert out of the Faith... well, things are different." He chuckled. "Not that it matters, our children got your stubbornness from you. Leanor took off with Joffrey, married him in Dragonstone, and left for the Stepstones to become the castellans of House Targaryen's castle there. If things keep on like this, Leana will be the first Lady of Driftmark, with Baela following her behind."

"Well, is that so bad?" I inquired. "Our son will be set off for life, to live with his spouce in peace. Being between Essos and Dorne, where same gender marriages and relationships are so common... it will be quite liberating. Even when they can't be persecuted anymore here." I smiled fondly at my son's bravery. A true dragon, going for what he wanted, not matter if the whole realm went against him. "As for our daughter, I believe... no, I know she'll be a fine Lady of Driftmark."

"That she will be," Crolys smiled proudly. "I'll leave it to you to legalize these changes, Hand of the King," he teased me.

That's another thing that had changed in the last year. Me being named Hand of the King, after Viserys dismissed Otto. One word from Rhaenyra and it was a done deal. She said that she dreamed me become on of the greatest Hands of the King. Though, I do not know how much that's true and how much she used her position as Dreamer to manipulate Viserys. Whatever it was, I'll work hard for the realm and become the best version of myself I can.

"Princess Rhaenyra, Prince Qoren, Prince Jacaerys , and Prince Lucerys!" A guard announced, before opening the doors of the chambers.

Talk about the dragon and it will come, I chuckled internally, turning to greet the royal family.

Prince Qoren had young Prince Lucerys in his arms, the little one year old was hugging his baby dragon. The beautiful pearlescent white dragon, hatched a couple of months ago, and astounded everyone with his stunning golden eyes and a golden chest But more impressive, his yellow flames.

Lucerys named him Arrax as soon as he could talk. To everyone's shock, it was his first word!

A worthy dragon for the future Lord Consort of Driftmark, I thought pleased.

Prince Jacaerys stood as tall as a four years old boy could, between his parents. Unfortunately, for the young prince, Vermax was too big now, to be kept in the Red Keep. He had quite the size growth, when last year Vermax only reached the size of a horse.

Though, it was Rhaenyra the one that caught my eyes. In her arms, she had two dragon eggs. One was a pale green with white and the other one was a beautiful pink with black.

"You knew!" Laena accused from the bed, with a glare. Her beaming smile gave her away though. "You could have told me!"

"How else would I get any fun?" Rhaenyra teased her. "This one here is for the graceful Rhaena," she gently placed the pink dragon egg next to Laena, on the bed. "And this one, is for the brave Baela," she placed the green dragon egg, on the chair beside the bed, where Daemon had been sitting, before needing to stand up to comfort a fuzzy Baela.

"They'll hatch?" Daemon asked her.

With a fragil hope in his tone... one that my daughter understood very well. There's no shame in choosing a dragon, instead of hatching one. But having your dragon egg turn cold in the crib is a horrible feeling.

"They will," Rhaenyra promised. "The Gods swore it to me." Silence rang in the chamber. No one mentioned the Gods so carelessly. It would be blasphemy! But this was Rhaenyra, who was a Dreamer. She was different. Anyone could see that. "You better heal fast, I will need all the help I can get during my next pregnancy."

"Again?!" Laena threw her head back laughing. "You two can't get your hands off each other."

"As if you two are any better!" Qoren snapped back, but had this huge proud smile on his face.

"It's almost as if we are not here," Crolys turned to me amused, though his tone was dry.

"Youngsters," I chuckled. "I'll take advantage of the situation and go meet with Viserys about my daughters. With Rhaenyra's dream, there's no way he will decline."

Not that I really wanted to talk with him to begin with. I huffed internally. Now that we all know who he truly is, none of us wants to spend anymore time with him than we should. The idiot doesn't even realize it. Where did we go so wrong with him?

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