II Qoren

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King's Landing - 112 AC

"Father!" I greeted him with a huge smile.

"Son, I'm gladden to see you doing so well," my father's smile might have been smaller, but it was just as warm. We have 'seen' each other before, during the royal greeting of the Martell Court in the King's Landing and the welcoming banquet. But it is only now that we've had some time for ourselves. "Dorne's good name is being spread far and our coffers have never been fuller, even with all the donations you've done for the goodwill of the commonfolk. You've done me proud son."

"Thank you father," I teared up a little bit at his words, all I've ever wanted is to make my father proud. "Come, sit. We have to discuss the trade contract with the North."

Right, the reason why my father has come to King's Landing. During my year and a half here I've signed various deals with houses all over the realm, but the one with the North was the one that took me the most time. It will be the most lucrative one, on both sides, but it took a lot of effort. Especially, with House Stark being ademant of the final signing being done between the heads of both houses. The other reason being that the crown would like to know the Prince of Dorne's opinion of what was happening in the Stepstones.

"Princes, Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Jacaerys are requesting entrance," a guard knocked on the door.

"My good-daughter and grandson? Let them in!" My father stood up, beaming in excitement.

"Prince Manfrey," my beautiful wife greeted my father with an angelic smile. She looked so good with our son in her arms and our son's dragon wrapped around her neck, gently snuggling Jacaerys .

"Call me father," my father scolded her gently, taking our son in his arms. I could see the little dragon puffing angrily, but he was quickly calmed down by my wife speaking Valyrian to him gently. "Look how grown you've become little Jace," he blew raspberries, making Jacaerys shriek giggling in happiness. "How you can do anything with him around, I will never know. Such a cutie!"

"I was expecting more from the feared Prince of Dorne if I am being honest," Nyra approached me with an amused smile, as we watched my father make a fool of himself. I noticed that the dragon kept sharp eyes on his bonded Targaryen. "Don't worry, he won't do anything. He can't do anything at the moment."

"I was not worried, you are here," I answered honestly, smiling sadly when she gave a startled expression. My wife was so beautiful and smart, I mourned all that she had to suffer because of insecure men that could not see her as who she truly is: a Queen. I swear I will put Aegon The Conqueror's Crown on her head, even if it is the last thing I do. "I trust you. I was just thinking how glad I am that our son has such an important bond with someone who will protect him, even at the risk of his life."

"He will," Nyra smiled beautifuly, yet so sad. She caressed the dragon's head gently, as this one purred in pure delight. "But let's hope that never happens. Everytime a dragon loses a rider, a little piece of their hearts goes with them. But for a rider to posses a broken bond... that can lead them to lose their minds. It will break them completely."

"That's beautiful, yet so tragic," I replied, watching her sadly. I knew she hid many things from me, that even when we both share a bed every night, in her dreams she is so far away. I've heard the whispers, the stories, I know enough to say with certainty that my wife was a Dreamer. "We were discussing the Stepstones, would you like to join our conversation?"

"Yes," she turned to me with a serious expression. "I've been seeing... clearer lately."

"That's good," my eyes widened. "Then maybe you can help us figure out who the Triarchy has hired."

"In my dreams I've seen a lot crabs," she replied. "So many of them... a lot of blood and screams as well."

"Crabs? Then that must be the Crabfeeder," my father interrupted, looking at us with a deep frown. "Craghas Drahar, a prince admiral from Myr. A nasty piece of work if you asked me."

"I've seen the things he's done," Nyra murmured, eyes down.

My father's expression softened, as he looked at her. "I'm sorry you had to, my dear. He is a sadistic man, who enjoys putting people through pain. Kicking down a fallen man, and torturing hisalready defeated enemy."

"And we will face him in the Stepstones... great," I scoffed.

"We will win," Nyra told me with certainty. She took back Jace into her arms, who then proceeded to play with his dragon. "We will claim those lands for our son. But how long it takes us and how many lives will be lost, depends on us."

"With the whole realm and dragons? Taking those isles back will be easy," my father assured her. "Securing the lands and driving all the pirates away? Now that will take longer."

"That's fine, it will be fun taking turns with Daemon, Leanor, and Crolys," I chuckled. "We will do our part too, won't we?"

"We will," Nyra smiled at me.

I don't know why, by I knew that something changed then. Maybe it was something I said, or something in my eyes, but it brought us closer. Whatever, it was I will take advantage of it. Because while my wife has my heart, I know I still do not have hers. But I will.

I promise on Dorne's Sun! 

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