The Future - Part VI

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King's Landind – 300 AC

Jonothor Targaryen, known as Jon to his wife Rhaenys, was having a nightmare about the Long Night and the Night King. In his dream, he vividly recalled the chaos and horror of the War for the Dawn beyond the Wall. He could see the cold, ice monsters that they faced, and remembered how they needed six fully grown dragons just to keep them at bay. Even then, it was not enough.

As the nightmare reached its climax, Jonothor suddenly woke up, gasping and sweating. His sudden movements startled Rhaenys awake, and she immediately turned to comfort him. He held onto her tightly, grateful for her presence in his life, feeling her warmth and comfort as he tried to shake off the memory of the nightmare.

As he caught his breath, Jonothor began to recount the details of his nightmare to Rhaenys. He spoke of the overwhelming numbers of the ice monsters, and how they seemed almost unstoppable. He remembered the fear and desperation that he had felt during the War for the Dawn, and the relief that had washed over him when it was finally over.

Rhaenys listened to Jonothor's words, offering words of comfort and understanding. She knew how difficult it was for him, for al lof them really, to relive those memories, and she was grateful that he trusted her enough to share them with her.

As they lay in bed together, Jonothor felt his heart rate returning to normal, and he gradually began to relax. He knew that he was safe with Rhaenys by his side, and that together, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"I feel so bad for doing this to you, but we have a Small Council meeting to get ready for," Rhaenys whispered to her husband, as sunlight began to slip through the courtains.

"No, I understand," Jon kissed her forehead gently. "Let's get up."

They did that, and after a short bath, they got ready and broke their fast, before heading for the Small Council chambers.

The newly formed Small Council was gathering in the grand chamber of the Red Keep, their focus set on the preparations for the upcoming coronation. The previous king, Rhaegar Targaryen, had been injured during the Long Night, although not gravely. Nonetheless, it was deemed best for him to lead a life with less stress, which led to his decision to pass down the crown to his daughter, Rhaenys Targaryen, the future Queen of Westeros, and her husband, Jonothor Targaryen, the King Consort of the Realm.

As the members of the Small Council settled into their seats, the Hand of the King, Sansa Bolton, nee Stark, took charge of the meeting. Sansa, known for her keen political acumen, even at such a young age, began by outlining the agenda and discussing the various tasks that needed to be accomplished before the coronation could take place. With her strong speech she showed why Lady Ollena Tyrell had recommended her for the position.

"My esteemed colleagues, thank you for joining me today," Sansa and Jon exchanged smiled. They were both nervous about their future duties, but they had each other's support. They were family after all. "We stand on the precipice of a new era for our kingdom. The coronation of Queen Rhaenys Targaryen and King Consort Jonothor Targaryen is a momentous occasion that requires meticulous planning and careful execution. I implore each of you to bring forth your expertise and dedication as we ensure a seamless transition of power. Let us work together to uphold the values of justice, prosperity, and unity that this realm so desperately needs."

Wendel Manderly, another northern that warmed Jon's heart, was the first to speake up. "Honorable council members, I present to you the financial aspect of the coronation preparations. We must exercise prudence in our expenditures, balancing the need for a memorable celebration with the responsible management of our treasury. I have compiled a detailed budget proposal that accounts for all necessary expenses. Rest assured, I will oversee the allocation of funds to guarantee a smooth coronation without burdening our kingdom's financial stability."

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