I Daemon

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King's Landing – 111 AC

I frowned as I marched through the halls of the Red Keep, leaving behind a seething Otto Hightower, as he tried to dissuade the king from his decision. Normally, Otto's trecherous sweet whispers would be enough to change my brother's decison. However, now Viserys would not hear to anyone but himself. He had this crazed look in his eyes, one that had be shuddering.

"Sister," I entered the queen's chamber, where Aemma was sitting by the window, looking down King's Landing.

"So, you've heard," she hummed, not looking away from the window.

"This is madness! Marrying a Targaryen to a dornishman! What is my brother thinking?!" I seethed. "To keep it a secret from everyone until now... this is not like him!"

"Did you know I married Viserys when I was one and ten?" Aemma replied, catching me off guard. "I loved him, or at least I thought I did. Which is why I forced myself to give him what he had always wanted... a male heir." She sighed, before turning towards me. I almost gasped at the pain and betreyal in her eyes. "I knew it meant that I could die at any moment and my health has been in declive since Rhaenyra's birth. However, I still tried my best out of my love for your brother. But that was never enough for him... it was not until my daughter barged into my room crying her heart out and declaring that she would take my place to give him a male heir that he stopped." I flinched back at her words and the rage in her eyes. "You niece saw me die in a dream, after your brother told the Grand Maester to cut me open and take out the baby in my belly. A babe that died only a couple of hours after me."

"A dreamer..." I whispered, horrified by her words.

"He does not care for anyone or anything but his legacy and Valyrian's prophecies!" She seethed, glaring at me- but I could tell she was not angry at me. "Does he listen to us? To his family? No! He would rather listen to that snake Otto Hightower than any of us. He treats you like shit and thinks of me as expendable, when we are the reason he seats on that throne comfortable. Your dragon and my vale army!" She took a deep breath to calm down before continuing. "You love your brother, the only direct family you have left, but we both know the cruel truth that he does not love you back... at least, not as much as you love him." I flinched at her cold words, knowing they were true but not wanting to believe them. "He kept you on an unhappy marriage and pulled you from position to position. I don't know when it happened, when he turned cold and so high in his power. He will drag the realm down with him and I need to know where you stand." She stared at me, eyes sharp and ready to battle like the falcon of her house. "With your brother? Or with you niece?"

"My niece, of course," I answered readily.

I might try to hide from the truth, from the lack of care of my own brother, but I am not blind. I know that the only two people that have ever truly loved me and saw good in me were Aemma and Rhaenyra. They saw the real me and loved me for it. Not inspite of it.

"Good, because she got your marriage annulled," Aemma told me, as if it was not the thing I've wished for my whole life. I stared at her stunned, as Aemma smirked. "I got my cousin and House Royce's permision. As House Royce needs an heir, they had no issue with allowing this. I think they've thought the two of you would finally relent and bed each other."

"As if!" I scoffed. "The Bronze Bitch is as stubborn as me!"

"I can see that, I just hoped my husband would have too," Aemma shook her head in disapointment. "You will marry Laena Velaryon, you will have the Valyrian bride you've always wished for... and two daughters that will become queen and Lady of Driftmark." I stared at her stunned, hope growing within me as Aemma smiled softly at me. "They will both get Targeryan princes as husbands... though, Rhaenyra also wants to give you a warning."

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