Chapter 1

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I walked down the driveway for Jeremiah's birthday, he was turning Three today. I knocked on the door and Jaylee's mum opened it, "oh hey my darling" she said excitedly hugging me. "hey Savannah" I smiled back hugging her.

I walked into the house and threw to the garden when I saw Jeremiah playing on the grass with a few of his friends, "Daddy!" he cheered when he spotted me before, getting up and running to me.

"hey Jeremiah, happy birthday how old are you now? 23?" I asked. "my only three!" he laughed shaking his head at me. "three? Wow, you are so tall!" I exclaimed making him smile proudly.
"Jeremiah it's your go!" one of his friends called so I put him back on the floor and he ran off to play again.

I decided to go over and say hi to Jaylee who was sitting with her new boyfriend Xavier, "hey, this party is nice!"

"thank you, I'm glad you could make it Jeremiah was asking about you all morning" She smiled back and I nodded, "I wouldn't miss it"

"so how have you guys been?" I then asked."yeah we've been good," Xavier said rubbing Jaylees leg. "that's nice" I replied talking through my teeth.

The conversation was getting awkward and I could see Xavier didn't want me there "I'm just going to help your mum with the drinks" I smiled at Jaylee before walking off.


"Hey baby" She smiled, I loved Savannah she has been like a mother to me ever since I met Jaylee. "hey, do you need any help?" I asked her.

"Yes please can you take them out to the Garden for me once they filled, I'm exhausted" she's laughed. "oh of course, sit down I'll do it," I said going up to the sink and trying to take a jug of her. "no Jude it's fine I've got this bit"

"no Savannah I insist go sit down somewhere" I laughed and she finally gave in walking down the garden next to her husband, John.

I filled up the juice jugs and took them out in the garden then I came back in for the last two before taking them out. "thank you my darling!" Savannah called and I decided to go over.

"no worries, how are you feeling?" I asked sitting down next to her."Just the same old tiredness, I had to wake up early to help set up this party" she sighed.

"you did a good job it looks so nice and Jeremiah loves it" I smiled at her and she smiled back, "Thank you Jude."

"How's football coming along Jude, you excited to be going to Madrid!" John asked.
"I can't wait, another new language I have to learn," I said and we all laughed.

"It's such an achievement your parents must be proud because I sure am" Savannah smiled excitedly. "thank you" I replied looking around the party till my eyes met with Xaviers I gave him a small smile before turning away.

"Have you spoken to Xavier much?" John then asked me.
"nah a bit of small talk but he doesn't like me" I chuckled.
"mhm well I don't like him" Savannah mutters.

"oh, you don't like him?" I asked confused. "no he's just a lot...different from Jaylee we don't trust him," John said and I nodded.

"Daddy!" Jeremiah whined as he came to sit on my lap, "Yes?" I asked him back in the same voice.
"it's not fair I was playing football but Uncle Jobe and Uncle Austin are on the same team and they are good," he said crossing his arms.

"what? They're better than you?" I asked pretending to be in shock and he nodded sadly. "Well, I think you guys should go teach them a lesson!" Savannah exclaimed and I agreed.

I stood up with him in my arms and walked over to where they were playing the match, Austin and Jobe had the ball and were kicking it over all the other kid's heads "I'm playing now" I smiled at them and they sighed.

The match began again and it was 6 against two, Jobe started with the ball but I quickly got it off him and ran towards the goal, Jeremiah ran up to the goal so I passed him the ball which he scored. "well done Jeremiah!" I cheered as we all jumped around.

the match ended and we won by 1 point and it was a bit more competitive than you would expect for a football game at your child's party.

After, Jobe and I took a seat next to our parents and we sat talking when I noticed something, Xavier was talking very closely to a woman who was a few years older than me and I assumed she was Jaylee's friend and had a kid here. I watched them closely they were both smiling a lot and Xavier had his hand on her arm, I didn't know what to do.

"Jude you alright there?" my mum asked me. "yeah, I'm fine ill be back," I said standing up and walking off.

I went over to Xavier and the blonde girl "Hey" I smiled at them, "Hi Jude" Xavier said annoyed.
"oh, you're Jeremiah's dad, right? I'm Lucy's Mum, Sam" she smiled pointing at her daughter.

"Nice to meet you!" I smiled, "how long have you guys known each other?" I asked her referring to her and Xavier. "oh no, just today" she replied and I nodded. "You guys seem close" I smiled and she grinned back.

"Anyway yeah Xavier, Jaylee wanted to know if you were staying tonight or if you were busy" I smiled at him and he glared back. "oh are you Jaylee's brother?" the lady asked confused.

"Brother?" I laughed "No he's her boyfriend."

"boyfriend oh but I thought..." Sam trailed off. "no don't worry about I have to go" Xavier said walking off and barging my shoulder.

"that was wired" She smiled awkwardly and I nodded.
"Jude come here!" my brother yelled. "that's my brother I've got to go, see you around" I smiled before running off.

"yes?" I asked confused sitting back down, "Would you rather be a knife or a fork?" Jobe asked me, he was always coming up with weird questions that ended in arguments.

"hmm defiantly a knife" I replied.

"what! why?"
"That's what I said!"
"Nahh a fork is a way better!"
My family erupted making a few people look.

"why would I want to be a fork going in everyone's mouth all the time?" I said and my mum agreed.
"Okay but you are all sharp and look ugly" Jobe shrugged.
"what and a fork looks pretty?" I laughed. "yeah it's got cool spikey hair," Jobe said rolling his eyes.

"All alright it's two against two we need someone to decide, JEREMIAH!" my dad called loudly and he came running over. "yes?" he asked confused.

"Okay would you rather be a fork or a knife?" my dad asked him and he looked at me confused before turning back to my dad. "a spoon!" he cheered making us all laugh.

"Okay but what about between fork or knife?" Jobe asked him seriously.
"none why would I want to hurt stuff by poking into it!" he said climbing onto my lap and we all nodded and smiled at him.

"That's very good thinking," I said to him "I agree with Jeremiah"

"Yeah me too," my mum and dad spoke leaving Jobe sitting there defeated.

It was about 10 pm, everyone had gone home and it was only my family and Jaylee's family here now. Jeremiah had fallen asleep on me so I took him upstairs to bed, I got him changed and somehow he managed to sleep through it before putting him in his bed.
"goodnight baby boy" I whispered kissing his head and walking out of the room.

As I exited the room I bumped into Jaylee, "hey I just put him to bed" I smiled at her. "thank you he must be exhausted" She laughed and I nodded.

I wanted to tell her about Xavier but I didn't know how, I knew she would just think I was jealous so I just smiled at her weakly before walking downstairs.

"oh there you are we just ordered an Uber if you want to come back with us" My mum smiled and I nodded.

I put on my coat and said goodbye
to Jaylee's parents and Jaylee, ignoring Xavier before leaving.

New story!!!

I hope you enjoy💕

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Love is a game | Jude BellinghamUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum