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Five years had passed by in a flash. Five years since we lost and Thanos snapped his fingers taking away many of our loved ones. In five years my son grew like a weed in front of my very eyes. Noah looked very much like his father, with a hint of me in there. He was extremely smart, a brilliant, young boy with his eyes always on his next adventure. He had the biggest imagination of them all. He was strong like me, fast, durable. He had a deep love for music just like his Dad. With his own iPod full of music. He loved with every ounce of his little heart. Sometimes I couldn't believe such a sweet little boy could belong to me.

Noah and I lived at the compound for the first year of his life beside Natasha. Steve had his own apartment, Tony and Pepper bought a house on the lake. Bruce went on to study on his own. Every couple of months we traveled to see Thor and Valkyrie in New Asgard. He had taken things rather hard after Noah was born. I tried to be there for him as often as I could. But the world was broken, and we all had a lot to do.


    "Yeah, Mom?" Noah called back to me. I watched him peek around the wall from his play room.

    "Are you hungry?" I asked.

    "Yea, can I just have a snack?"

    "No." I chuckled. "But you can have a sandwich. Want one?" I asked him while holding up the peanut butter and jelly containers.

    "Yea!" He answered excitedly.

    "Okay. I'll make these and we'll have this for now. And then we'll get something for dinner on the way home." I smiled at my son and began to make him a sandwich. "You go find something to play with and meet me in the conference room. Okay?"

    "Yeah!" Noah cheered.

I grabbed our sandwiches and we walked out of the kitchen together. Noah ran to his playroom and I walked into the meeting room. Holograms were up and I heard voices arguing.

    "Yeah. We boarded that highly suspect warship Danvers pinged." Rocket's voice scoffed.

    "It was an infectious garbage scow." Nebula growled from beside him.

    "So, thanks for the hot tip." Rocket said sarcastically.

    "Well, you were closer." Carol mentioned from her own holographic video call.

    "Hey, sandwich?" I whispered as I entered the room and handed Nat a sandwich and she nodded.

    "Yeah, and now we smell like garbage." Rocket shot back at her.

"When don't you, fur-ball?" I chuckled and Rocket sent me a death glare and the finger.

    "You get a reading on those tremors?" Nat asked as she moved to her seat.

    "Twas a mild subduction under the African plate." Okoye explained from her video feed.

    "Do we have a visual? How are we handling it?" Nat asked concerned.

    "Nat." Okoye stated. "It's an earthquake under the ocean. We handle it, by not handling it."

    "See? Natural occurrence. Nothing to be paranoid over." I nudged her playfully and she rolled her eyes at me. I looked back up at the holographic projections of our friends and colleagues in front of us. "Hey, Carol are we seeing you here next month?" I asked curiously.

    "Not likely." She shook her head.

    "What? You gonna get another haircut?" Rocket snickered.

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