It's All About Trust

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I went to the bottom of the ship and into the bedroom quarters. There were only two rooms on this ship. One was Peter's and the other was mine. I walked in and straight through to the bathroom after grabbing a clean pair of clothes from my drawer. I turned on the hot water and took a quick shower. When I was done I wrapped my towel around myself and I walked out into my room. I gasped as Gamora was sitting on my bed.

    "Jesus, you could of told me you were in here." I grunted.

    "Sorry. I didn't want to disturb you." She shrugged. "I came down to ask if I could shower as well. I stink like those prisoners who clearly didn't use those showers."

    "Of course, you do smell." I pointed out with a grin and she bumped her shoulder into me. "I'm kidding."

    "No you're not." She chuckled. "Besides, I also wanted to talk to you. I'm not comfortable sharing the location we are headed too."

    "Why not?" I asked surprised.

    "I don't trust them, Y/n. What happens if they find out what's really inside the Orb? Please, just go along with me on this." Gamora sighed.

    "I don't want to lie, specially not to Peter, Gamora."

    "I don't expect you too. I just need you to keep this between us. Sister's first, remember?"

    "Don't use that against me." I groaned. "We made that up when we were kids. Besides, what do you think is gonna happen? They're gonna find out what's inside it and want to keep it?" I asked and she looked at me pointedly. "Okay, fair point. Fine we do it your way, but I'm staying out of it. I've told enough lies in my lifetime."

    "Sounds fine to me." Gamora nodded.

    "You can borrow some of my clothes. Help yourself."

Gamora entered the bathroom and I got dressed. I walked back up stairs to see Rocket sitting on the floor tearing apart pieces of the ship and I chuckled.

    "Peter is not going to be happy when he sees this." I pointed out and Rocket looked up at me. "What are you doing anyway?"

    "Eh, just making some things... Did you need something, Princess?" He asked and I shrugged.

    "Don't call me that. And no, nothing in particular. Wanted to thank you though, for helping get us out of that prison." I said simply leaning against the wall and crossing my arms across my chest.

    "It was nothing so don't mention it. Seriously." He looked up at me and I put my hands up defensively. "You know, meeting you surprised me."

    "How so?" I asked curiously.

    "You're not everything I had heard about. Evil, murderous... You're powers are intriguing... So I suppose you're as all right as it gets." Rocket said only looking down at what he was building.

    "Wow, was that almost a compliment?" I chuckled.

    "Like I said, don't get used to it, Princess." Rocket stated and I scoffed. "For the life me I don't understand it, but Groot seems to like you. Took to ya pretty quickly, specially when he saved you from that big blue creature. He's a pretty good judge of character so if you want someone to thank, you can thank him." Rocket pointed out and I nodded.

    "I'll be sure to do that."

    "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Peter gasped as he ran over towards us. "Yo! Ranger Rick, you can't take my ship apart without asking me! Why aren't you stopping him?" He looked over at me and I shrugged.

The Other Sister (An Avenger's Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя